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05Feb2025 - 02:47 01 PM
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DVD Heavy Paws 2 人狗奇缘2 (Eng Sub) Korean Movie
Code : 4754221770018
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :宋仲基 , 张翰 , 阿达 , 成东日 , 金正泰 , 闵春晓 , 王锡玄 ,
Director :王坪 ,
Year :2010
Genre :Comedy / Love , Modern , Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

Dong-wook, in his late teens, is falling behind in his studies and has already transferred schools three times. Dong-wook’s only friend is a Labrador named Hearty, a present from his late father. When Hearty gives birth to three puppies, Chubby, Dodo and General, Dong-wook becomes even more obsessed with Hearty and raising up the puppies. Worried and displeased, Dong-wook’s mom decides to send Hearty and the puppies away to her brother’s place without giving them a proper goodbye. A major diamond theft makes the national headlines. Hiding from the police, the burglars conspire to siphon off the diamonds abroad by concealing them in a stuffed animal, so they kidnap General, the new puppy in town. Witnessing General’s kidnap right in front of her eyes, Hearty chases after the burglars’ truck like a bullet. When Dong-wook arrives at his uncle’s place to take back Hearty and the puppies, he finds that Hearty and General have gone missing. While Dong-wook is searching desperately for them, Hearty locates the burglars’ hideout in an abandoned school. Hearty rescues General, swallows up the diamonds and runs away, and so begins the chase between the burglar and Hearty, a dog that can outsmart them all.



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