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14Mar2025 - 01:36 22 PM
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DVD Frozen 为你钟情 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
Code : 9555209007851
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :200 g
Staring :卫兰 , 文咏珊 , 李治廷 , 狄龙 , 邵音音 , 黎明 , 刘浩龙 , 张坚庭 , 谷德昭 , 单立文 , 邹凯光 , 郑保瑞 , 郑艳丽    ,
Director :郭子健 ,
Year :2010
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,

Winnie never knows her mother. Ever since she was a toddler, her father and scientist grandfather had weaved the tale that she works for Santa Claus. Not until Winnie turns twenty does the incredible truth finally dawns on her, when she accidentally opens a freezing chamber in his grandfather’s laboratory and resurrects a mysterious young woman inside. This woman is none other than Winnie’s long lost mother, Gigi, who, unbeknownst to her daughter, has been cyronically frozen since a fatal car accident twenty years ago. Still very much a teenager, Gigi is shaken not only by the presence of a daughter physically older than her but also by the devastating news that her idol Leslie Cheung has passed away during her long slumber. To make up for lost time, she sets off with Winnie in search of her boyfriend, Kit, who happens to be Winnie’s biological father. The Kit that Gigi used to know was a dashingly handsome young man fully convinced he would become a pop star some day. When Gigi and Winnie finally locate him, he has already dwindled into a grumpy middle-aged vagabond having his life sucked out of him. When the newly met mother and daughter finally manage to rekindle the fire within Kit, he realizes all too late that Gigi’s days on this brave new world are actually numbered.


人生总有一些人、一些事、一些物值得一生钟爱,我们把那些美好的都放在心底凝结起来,永远珍藏,超越时间…   颖 (卫兰 饰)自少跟随做科学研究的养父彦 (张坚庭 饰) 和外公 (狄龙 饰) 居于美国,一天发现一个神秘机关,误打误撞将机器打开后。她发现里面冰封着一位少女芝 (文咏珊 饰)。更惊人的是这位年轻活泼、思想新潮的冰封少女竟是自己母亲!芝与颖相遇后,细说出当年她与颖父亲杰(李治廷 饰)的段段浪漫恋爱,回忆那个纯真的卡式录音机年代!最后芝决定带同颖一同寻找2010年的杰,一段奇妙寻爱旅程正式展开……!

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