Bandits, thieves, business people, politician or whoever heard about the Diamond Eye will desperately crave to get it in their hands
The Ultimate Diamond Eye is hidden in a little village on top of a hill and protected by their people for years.
However, a powerful attack by the troop of Maha Mek, stolen the Diamond Eye and destroyed the entire village. Sink-korn and Chantra is the only survivor. With tears and anger, Sink-Korn and Chantra stood up to a journey of dead or alive by approaching the Maha Mek's clan! Can the 2 of them survive and return home with the Diamond Eye?
“钻石魔眼”是一个让人一听就会产生把它捧在手掌心的极度欲望。这颗魔石被收藏于一个小村庄的高山上,世世代代由村民悉心保管。有一天,一帮杀人越货的强盗Maha mek,不但屠杀了全村的无辜村民,也把钻石魔眼抢走了,两名幸存者Sink-Korn和Chantra,带着眼泪和愤恨,想回去强盗窝里,夺回钻石魔眼,可是这是一条艰难的不归路啊!他们能否夺回钻石魔眼?摆在他们面前的是一条血路,以血还血的连场厮杀是免不了的。。。