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14Mar2025 - 01:56 28 PM
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KOREA MOVIE DVD Mother / Madeo / 骨肉同谋 by Bong Joon-Ho, Park Eun-Kyo (K50)
Code : 9528200050737
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :200 g
Staring :Kim Hye-Ja , Won Bin , Jin Goo , Yoon Je-Moon / 元彬 , 金惠子 ,
Director :Bong Joon-Ho ,
Year :2009
Genre :Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Cantonese , Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Perniagaan Impian Seni ,

A mother lives quietly with her twenty-eight-year-old son, Do-joon, providing herbs and acupuncture to neighbors. One day, a girl is brutally murdered, and Do-joon is charged with the killing. Now, it's his mother's call whether to prove him innocent or to leave him imprisoned.


因为儿子泰宇(元彬 饰)是智障,所以母亲(金惠子 饰)总是担心他受伤。一次,泰宇被一辆奥迪车撞到了,他被朋友拉去找那些打高尔夫球的富商报仇,结果因为朋友踢坏了后视镜,他们被带回了警察局。被富人索赔时,泰宇被当成了挡箭牌。   为了还债,做非法针灸师的母亲更加卖力地工作。不过,厄运并未就此结束。一天,泰宇酒后尾随一个名叫雅中的女学生,结果第二天后者的尸体就出现在屋顶。他被当做唯一的嫌疑人带回了警局,接着警察连蒙带骗让他签字画押低头认罪。得知儿子被判入狱,心急如焚的母亲到处托关系、找线索,不惜放弃自尊祈求著名律师为他翻案。但是,儿子的病影响了他的记忆,她在替儿申冤的道路上步履蹒跚……

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