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13Mar2025 - 09:07 24 AM
Category :


The Ex-Wife 前妻
Code : 9557204068264
Price : MYR21.90 SGD10.40 USD8.54 RMB59.13 MYR17.52 / SGD8.32 / USD6.83 / RMB47.30
Weight :200 g
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Thai ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :New Southern Records Sdn. Bhd. ,

"When you broke up with her, are you sure that she will stop bothering you?"Aek and Fon has been together for seven years, the love between them is believed to be unbreakable by others! However, a young charming college student named Eve appears as an intern in Aek office, can he resists it or not? The decision that he has to make between choosing Fon or Eve would be the most unforgettable decision that he will even made in his life!


是不是分手后,她就不会来纠缠你?。。。Aek和Fon过了七年的美满婚姻生活,却始终逃不过七年之痒的宿命,Aek遇上了充满活力、活泼可爱的学院女生Eve,造成了一个难以弥补的分裂。 Aek的内心面临了一场空前艰难的拉锯,一个是天堂、一边是地狱,在抉择之间,Aek如履薄冰,深恐一个错误的选择,会让他掉入万劫不夏的深渊。。。

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