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19Apr2024 - 05:38 08 PM
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DVD Love in The Buff 春娇与志明 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
Code : 9555209006762
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :250 g
Staring :杨千嬅 , 余文乐 , 杨幂 , 徐峥 , 谷德昭 , 郑伊健 , 陈逸宁 , 司徒慧焯 , 黄晓明 , 詹瑞文 , 田蕊妮 , 王馨平 , 郝蕾 , 谷祖琳 , 王太利 , 邵音音 , 曾国祥 , 尹志文 , 彭浩翔 , 魏雨琦 , 林兆霞 ,
Director :彭浩翔 ,
Year :2012
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,

In 2007, the Hong Kong government enacted a public area smoking ban that sent the city's smokers out to the trash can ashtrays on the streets for their fix. This indirectly created a new socializing space that brought people from all walks of life together, united by their addiction to nicotine. This new social phenomenon - and the possibility of romance that it brings - inspired writer-director Pang Ho Cheung to make the romantic comedy Love in a Puff. Set in the back alleyways and empty streets of Hong Kong, the film stars Miriam Yeung (Love Undercover) and Shawn Yue (Infernal Affairs) in an unlikely romance set off by the flicker of a lighter. Co-written by up-and-coming young director Heiward Mak (High Noon), Love in a Puff is Pang's first Category III film due to its fill of crude jokes and adult language. However, a sweet and charming romance lies at the film's core, making it also the director's lightest - and funniest - film yet. Love in a Puff initially opened to only a modest box office gross, but praise for the offbeat romance traveled quickly around Hong Kong youths, turning it into a rare sleeper hit over its extended theatrical run in spring 2010.

Cosmetic salesperson Cherie (Miriam Yeung) and advertising agency employee Jimmy (Shawn Yue) are both part of a group of smokers that include advertising executives, a hotel bellhop (Cheung Tat Ming), and a Pakistani pizza delivery boy. They spend their smoking breaks telling each other horror stories, dirty jokes, and gossip about the people around. Soon, a not-so-platonic friendship begins to form between Cherie and Jimmy when they start having text message conversations and night strolls outside the smoking group. Can they overcome their relationship obstacles, or will their romance be as short-lived as a burning cigarette?


自香港实施室内全面禁烟,烟民都被迫从办公室走至后巷抽烟,在后巷便成了一个打诨聊天、结交朋友的特殊场所,其中一对男女──张志明与余春娇,亦因抽烟而在肮脏又狭窄的后巷中邂逅,一段错摸不定、暧昧难测的恋爱关系,由燃点香烟的瞬间中展开。 志明与春娇的感情,随着缕缕轻烟逐渐酝酿,越趋浓烈,但原来春娇早有男友,却无法否认自己对志明心存好感,而志明亦曾向她连番暗示心意,但春娇总是接收错误,导致他们一直无法确认彼此想法而疏远。 直至香港政府公布增加烟草税的财政预算案,再撮合志明与春娇,他们一起结伴跑到全港所有便利店及士多搜购未加税香烟,二人在找寻香烟的同时,也为自己的爱情找到了出口,而那些新购入的香烟,亦见证着他们爱情的升华。

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