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14Jan2025 - 12:02 29 AM
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DVD Black Ransom 撕票风云 / 黑白战警 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
Code : 9555209005970
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :250 g
Staring :任达华 , 苗侨伟 , 陈法拉 , 安志杰 , 刘洋 , 黄德斌 , 王浩信 , 瞿颖 , 裕美 , 王子涵 , 行宇 ,
Director :王晶 ,
Year :2010
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,

Written and produced by veteran Hong Kong filmmaker Wong Jing and stylishly directed by cinematographer Keung Kwok Man, Black Ransom faces off Hong Kong old-school TVB actors Simon Yam (SPL) and Michael Miu (Brothers) in an exciting battle of wits. Along with explosive action scenes performed by Andy On (Invisible Target) and Xing Yu (Flash Point), Black Ransom is a classic example of Hong Kong commercial genre film at its entertaining best. A powerful triad boss has been kidnapped, and the new police superintendent Koo (Fala Chen) decides to recruit the help of Mann (Simon Yam), a former supercop who has since been relegated to back-up duty. Mann has his work cut out for him when he realizes his opponent is Sam (Michael Miu), a former cop with plenty of grudges. When Sam takes the fight to Mann's family, Mann is more than determined to bring down the dangerous kidnapper and his gang.


《撕票风云》是王晶与姜国民继《神枪手与智多星》又一力作,集合了两大刚强演员最强列阵,由凭《岁月神偷》封香港金像影帝的任达华,与近年复出且凭演 TVB电视剧《学警狙击》而状态大勇的「三哥」苗侨伟领衔主演。二人从TVB出道至今,一致公认为好戏之人,今回转至大银幕首度正邪飙戏,因一连串的黑帮头子遭绑架、勒索及撕票的案件而连系起来,各出奇谋。女主角为凭《Laughing Gor之变节》备受注重的新世代女星陈法拉担演,这位TVB花旦一改戏路,演出青年干探,与安志杰、行宇、王浩信、刘洋、瞿颖等上演一幕又一幕斗枪法、斗智力的《撕票风云》! 影帝任达华饰演与女儿(歌手裕美饰)相依为命的警员张博文,曾是警队精英的他因多年前妻子被杀後而一蹶不振。此时,新上任的总警司古国强(陈法拉饰)委派他的小队(王浩信、行宇、王青、张雷饰)调查一连串的黑帮头子遭绑架案。面对绑匪专业军事化的犯案手法,张博文认为与已离职的前飞虎队员兼总督察何湛森(苗侨伟饰)和他的一行人(安志杰、彭敬慈、瞿颖等)有关。当黑帮大佬(黄德斌饰)也被掳走,令撕票案变得扑朔迷离。最後张博文与何湛森两雄交锋,枪战武打火并连场,结局更更出人意表。

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