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22Feb2025 - 04:51 22 PM
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DVD Ip Man 2 / 叶问 2: 宗师传奇 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
Code : 9555209006793
Price : MYR21.90 SGD10.40 USD8.54 RMB59.13 MYR17.52 / SGD8.32 / USD6.83 / RMB47.30
Weight :250 g
Staring :甄子丹 , 洪金宝 , 熊黛林 , 黄晓明 , 樊少皇 , 郑则仕 , 敖嘉年 , 杜宇航 , Darren Shahlavi , 释小龙 , 任达华 , 郑家星 ,
Director :叶伟信 ,
Year :2010
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,

Following the huge commercial and critical success of period action drama Ip Man in 2008, director Wilson Yip teams up again with star Donnie Yen and action director Sammo Hung on the highly anticipated sequel opening in April 2010. In Ip Man 2, Donnie reprises his superstar-making role of the eponymous kung fu master, who leaves Foshan post-WWII to settle in colonial Hong Kong with his family. The film focuses on Ip Man's teaching of the Wing Chun martial arts (a teenage Bruce Lee being one of his students) and the clan rivalry with the Hung Fist school.
After the Sino Japanese War,Ip (Donnie Yen) settled in Hong Kong with his wife and son.He planned to start a new life there by teaching Wing Chun in order to earn the living.He started his lesson on the roof with the help of Leung Kan (Pierre Ngo),the chief editor of a newspaper.One of his student,Wong Leung (Huang Xiao Ming),was kidnapped by a bully Cheng Wai Kei (To Yue Hong),as Wong gave rise to a conflict.Ip then rushed to the fish market alone to save Wong.Surprisingly that Kam (Fan Sui Wong) and his gang were there to protect Ip.He then met a master of Hung Quan,Hung Chun Nam (Sammo Hung).Ip liked everything in peace while Hung always triggered conflicts and tied in with Fatso (Kent Cheng) helping the western superintendent who would like to use Chinese to control over Chinese by collecting the bribe money.However they both admired each other Wushu accomplishment.After the Chaos in the western boxing competition,the Superintendent moped up and hectored Chinese Wushu praticers.Tyler Milos,nicknamed Twister,the King of Boxing beated Master Hung to death aiming to insult Chinese Wushu in the public which made to Ip deceded to hold back any more.He stepped on the stage and fought for Chinese dignity and the name of Chinese Wushu!...


延续首集剧情,二次大战后叶问大师离开佛山,赴香港开馆收徒,在那遭逢强大的对手"洪门"。两大武学门派不打不相识,从一开始的相互较劲,到后来联手对抗英国殖民政府,一段英雄惜英雄的故事,叶问不仅武艺拔萃、济弱扶倾,并尽现宗师风范与恢弘气度。 中日战争结束后,叶问(甄子丹)带同妻子张永成(熊黛林)及儿子叶准(李泽)来香港驻居,一心重建家园。叶问来港后以教咏春拳为生,在报馆主编梁根(敖嘉年)的协助下於天台开班授徒。后因徒弟黄樑(黄晓明)生事被流氓郑伟基(杜宇航)所据,叶问单身独闯鱼栏救人,获悉日仇人金山找(攀少皇)拔刀相助,更因而与洪拳师傅洪震南(洪金宝)结识。叶问性好和平,无法认同洪师傅与华人探长肥波(郑则士)为洋警司办事,籍『以华制华』方式管治华人崇洋媚外的勾当,但两人却於武术上惺惺相惜。西洋拳赛发生大骚乱后,洋人警司四处扫荡欺压华人武师,西洋拳王“龙卷风”泰勒米诺斯把洪师傅活生生打死后更公然贬低侮辱中国武术,另一直沉默的叶问终于不再哑忍,站到擂台上为中国人的尊严、为中国武术的名誉讨回公道!

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