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02Jan2025 - 10:58 03 PM
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DVD Insadong Scandal 仁寺洞丑闻 (Eng Sub) Korean Movie
Code : 4754221180015
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :金来沅 , 严正花 , 洪秀贤 , 金正泰 , 吴政世 ,
Director :朴熙坤 ,
Year :2009
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

The celebrated Korean artist Angyeon attained recognition for painting the 600-year-long Joseon Dynasty in a number of key tableaux. One of the most legendary of his creations, "Byeokando," (a depiction of the Changdeok Palace Pond) disappeared in the Middle Ages along with Korean ruler Prince Anpyeong, but this feature saga -- a work of speculative imagination -- ponders what might happen if the long-thought-lost painting suddenly resurfaced in the early 21st century market. Here, the work crops up, and immediately after news of it hits, appraisers gauge its worth at around 40 billion won (or about 32 million U.S. dollars). A sexy yet Machiavellian young art mogul, Bae Tae-jin (Um_Jung_Hwa) who freely uses her body to obtain the "art exchanges" she so desires, comes out of the woodwork to claim it. This social-climbing opportunist sees in "Byeokando" the opportunity to conquer and become the toast of Insadong, Seoul's art district, but first she must enlist the aid of an art restorer, Lee Gang-jun -- a man still reeling from an art scandal that witnessed the media and the public slapping him with accusations of theft. He nevertheless consents to undertake the restoration of "Byeokando," with the price tag of one billion won and a sports car. As Lee settles into Bae's restoration lab and begins to work, and Bae engages in some slimy double-dealing involving the press and Japanese buyers, Lee begins to hatch some secret plans of his own for the painting's final destination.


400年前消失的一幅画即将被复原,该项目的启动立刻传遍全国,如果复原成功,将会在韩国拍卖史上创下最高的价格,而这幅画就是安坚的“碧眼图”。美术界最具实力的会长裴泰真(严正花饰)邀请了号称拥有上帝之手的复原专家李强俊(金来沅饰),开始复原这价值400亿的画。而为了得到画,无论是欺骗还是谋杀,会不择手段去争取的裴泰真虽然与李强俊合作,但心里却有着自己的算盘。项目结束之际,复原最后关头会发生怎样的事情呢?   随着“碧眼图”复原的进程越来越接近尾声,隐藏的格局也逐渐浮出水面,韩国美术界顶尖高手们一一亮相。美术界的熟面孔,仁寺洞的全老大(林河龙饰),国内最强的伪作工匠浩真士社长(高昌锡饰),曾经风光一时的美术复制技术者尚福(孙炳浩饰),拥有美术界实权的国会议员等等。另外还有追踪他们的文化遗产负责案的姜刑警(金炳玉饰)。要欺骗的人和被欺骗的人,相信的人和背叛的人,要守护的人和要夺取的人。不要相信看到的,因为也许你看到的东西全部都是假的。围绕“碧眼图”的骗局到底结局在哪里?

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