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02Jan2025 - 11:09 06 PM
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DVD Possessed 不信地狱 (Eng Sub) Korean Movie
Code : 4754221280012
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :南相美 , 柳胜龙 , 沈恩京 , 金宝妍 ,
Director :李勇周 ,
Year :2009
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

A 13-year old girl disappears at an old apartment building in the countryside. Hee-jin’s younger sister, So-jin, and her mother who is a Christian fanatic lives together in the countryside. One day, Hee-jin receives a call while she’s in Seoul going through college. Her mother tells her that So-jin has suddenly disappeared. Once she arrives, her mother tells her that only prayer can help So-jin return and she frequents the church all day. But Hee-jin calls the police instead and the detective in charge, Tae-hwan, conducts a routine operation and tells Hee-jin that So-jin simply can ran away from home. As Hee-jin keeps searching for So-jin, she falls deeper into a dark mystery that no one can understand.


某個鄉村的一座老舊公寓裡,一個十四歲的少女素珍(沈恩京飾)突然失踪了。素珍的母親終日沈迷教會活動中,對女兒失蹤一事束手無策,終日寄望於祈禱中。在首爾念大學的希真(南相美飾)得知消息後馬上趕回家,報警後,警察泰煥(柳胜龍飾)只把素珍的失踪列為一般離家出走案 在翻查妹妹素珍的櫥櫃時掉下了一封信,信是村中一個自殺身亡的女孩鄭美寫給素珍的遺書。警衛貴甲和村...民看了遺書的內容後紛紛認為素珍是被鬼附身了,民眾的� {言讓姐姐希真和泰煥陷入了混亂之中。第二天,警衛貴甲的屍體被發現,儘管一連串的怪事都與自己的教會有關聯,素珍的母親卻是如常參加教會的祈禱儀妹妹的行蹤仍然是個謎,而希真自從妹妹神秘失踪後,每晚都夢見已死去的人向她揮手。在素珍失蹤的那天,究竟發生過什麼事呢?

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