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05Feb2025 - 02:09 45 PM
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DVD Picture of a Nymph 画中仙 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
Code : 9555186800322
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :元彪 , 王祖贤 , 午马 , 李美凤 , 吴启华 ,
Director :午马 ,
Year :1988
Genre :Comedy / Love , Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :3 ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Speedy Video Distributors Sdn Bhd ,

老道士燕赤霞(午马饰)在水中偶获弃婴,并将其抚养成人取名拾儿(元彪饰)。抚育之余,更传之驱邪杀鬼之术。一次杀鬼行动中,拾儿误毁书生崔鸿渐(吴启华饰)之居处。拾儿为补偿己过,邀崔移住燕家,二人遂成好友。莫愁(王祖贤饰)本是待嫁新娘,不幸在出嫁路上被鬼王九尾狐(李美凤饰)抢亲,不甘受辱而投崖自尽,沦为孤魂野鬼。崔在放灯节巧遇莫愁,并一见钟情。为解思念之情,崔绘出莫愁画像挂于房中。为躲避鬼王追捕,莫愁遁入画中。但莫愁不为燕所容,更被九尾狐掳去。崔与拾儿舍身相救,最终打动燕,进入地府击败九尾狐,但不幸地,莫愁与崔未及逃出,最后成为画中仙魂。 Sup saved and raised up by a Taoist Yan since he was a baby. He then becomes his assistant in exorcising ghosts and demons when he grows up. Once he destroyed a scholar Tsui's house, he asks him to move to Yan's, where they live together and become good friends. Tsui then meets Mok Sau, a wandering ghost, who jumped down a cliff to death when she was robbed and humiliated by a ghost king on her way to wedding. They fall in love at first sight, and Tsui draws a picture of Mok Sau, putting it up in his room just for seeing her more often. In order to avoid the ghost king's pursuing, Mok Sau hides herself in the picture. However, she's driven away by Yan and then caught by the ghost king. Finally, touched by both Tsui and Sup, Yan promises to go to the hell to rescue Mok Sau from the ghost king. However, Tsui and Mok Sau finally become the figures in the picture as they fail to escape in time.


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