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21Sep2024 - 09:05 06 AM
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DVD Working Class / King Worker 打工皇帝 (Eng Sub) Hong Kong Movie
Code : 9555186800339
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :许冠杰 , 泰迪·罗宾 , 徐克 , 王祖贤 , 吴孟达 ,
Director :徐克 ,
Year :1985
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :3 ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Speedy Video Distributors Sdn Bhd ,

阿忍(許冠傑飾),阿神(徐克飾)與阿慶(泰迪羅賓飾)因一次交通意外後,分別被公司開除。阿忍不想讓母親失望,騙說自己升職加薪。阿慶因無錢交房租,被迫投靠阿神。但不為阿神的同居女友JUNE(梁韻蕊飾)所容� {,JUNE更多次離家出走以示抗議。其後三人投身於皇帝麵廠工作,該廠制度不健全,各管理層迎上犯下,對工友刻薄,引起工友團結抗議。廠長太子女AMY(王祖賢飾)卻鍾情阿忍,事事偏袒。一次,經理挪用公款投資期貨失手,為保其職位,設計陷害三人。並欲縱火燒廠,幸得三人與球友奮力搶救。其後三人與工友齊心協力,終於衝破厄運,令工廠恢復正常生產。 Yam, Sunny and Ah Hing are buddies and all dismissed creating havoc in their jobs. In order not to disappoint his mother, Yam pretends he is promoted with a raise. Out of financial difficulty, Hing has to rely on Sunny, who lives with his girlfriend June but she disapproves of the arrangement. The trio is employed by a noodle factory which has a very poor labor relationship. The manager, supervisor and foreman are always picking on their subordinates. Finally the workers decide to take an united front to oppose their superiors. To cover up the loss in commodity speculation, the manager tried to burn down the factory. Hid plot fails because the entire work force is at hand putting out the fire. After the trio makes concerted effort, the stricken factory survives to the credit of all workers.


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