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27Apr2024 - 09:47 55 PM
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DVD Making Of Boys Over Flowers 花样男孩 幕后特辑
Code : 4754032120019
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :具惠善 , 李敏镐 , 金贤重 , 金范 , 金俊 , 韩彩英 , 金素恩 , 朴智彬 , 朴秀珍 , 金贤珠 ,
Director :全基尚 ,
Year :2009
Genre :Comedy / Love , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :3 ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :KOREA KBS ,

Based on the popular manga Hana Yori Dango, Korea's own Boys Over Flowers TV drama turned into the runaway hit of 2009. Boys Over Flowers attracted high viewership ratings and buzz throughout its broadcast, turning its young cast into household names in not only Korea, but throughout Asia. Ku Hye-seon from The Strongest Chil Woo stars as the tough-cookie heroine of the drama while breakout star Lee Min-ho, SS501 idol Kim Hyun-jung, Kim Beom, and Kim Jun of pop group T-max form Korea's F4. 以日本漫画家神尾叶子的一部长篇爱情校园漫画《花より男子》为蓝本,韩国版《花样男子》继台剧和日剧版之後,开播以来,收视屡创新高,全国收视率更高达35.5%,成为收视冠军。剧中的四位美男子 F4由帅气的李敏镐、SS501成员金贤重、花美男金範、来自T-max的金俊分别扮演具俊表、尹智厚、苏易正和宋宇彬,至于平民少女金丝草由具惠善主演。 ★幕後紀實~流星花園場邊花絮~ ★137天拍攝全紀錄特別節目 ★拍攝中斷 特別節目回饋粉絲 ★前16集精華片段回顧 ★經典台詞再復習 ★F4花美男選角秘辛大曝光 ★NG片段大公開 戲裡戲外不同面 ★直擊F4豪宅 ★ Mid-season Special Fan Appreciation Program ★ Episodes 1-16 Highlight Reel ★ Classic Dialogue ★ F4 Casting Secrets Revealed ★ Outtakes ★ Visiting the F4 Mansion


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