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02Jan2025 - 11:27 02 PM
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DVD Romantic Island 浪漫岛屿 (Eng Sub) Korean Movie
Code : 6855935003114
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :200 g
Staring :柳真 , Yoo Jin , 李民基 , Lee Min Ki , 李水景 , Lee Soo Kyeong , 李善均 , Lee Seon Gyon ,
Director :康哲佑 ,
Year :2008
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Korean ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Perniagaan Seri Anjung ,

Soo-jin, an office clerk, is now more comfortable to make coffees for people than working as a manager. Jae-hyuk, a CEO of venture capital, hit life is not unstable because of the international telephone call from Manila. Jung-hwan graduated from a big-name school but does not have a job for the last five years. He maintains his daily life by doing a part time job at the convenience store Ga-young, a singing star, is already exhausted because of full schedule. Everybody thinks that star, Ga-young will have happy life but now she is tired of it. Everyone rushes out of the plane and scatter to different places according to their schedules. However, their destinies begin to tangle and entangle again like Alice in Wonderland, who chased the rabbit with the wall clock. The fantastic experiences are everywhere in the beautiful recreation resorts in Philippine. Now they will face the greatest reversal of the situation at the dream island ‘Boracay’….

今年的冬天,不管怎么样,我都要一个人出去旅行!  地球上最大的浪漫岛屿,幻想一样神奇的长滩岛!   拥有和外形一样固执保守的个性,30岁就坐上证券公司CEO席位的在赫(李善均饰)因独断的处事方式在公司四面树敌,看着桌上为上市做准备必须处理完的成山的文件,疲倦的在赫在睡梦中遇见恶毒的妇人而惊醒,上司近来对其的不满指数直线上升,职场和家族的压力让他作出去海边旅行,清理情绪的决定。但是头疼的是,他竟然没有护照!  以卖冰淇淋维持生计的少女秀珍(李秀景饰)个性开朗,尽管生活艰辛,却也乐在其中。英文专业出身的她为了能筹集到去大公司面试的费用,有了想去济洲岛做生意的念头。爱冒险的她心里同时泛起想去无人岛旅行的嘀咕。 舞台上集艳丽的聚光灯于一身的人气歌手家颍(柳真饰)的粉丝数目已经超过两百万名,可是永远没有休止符的日程安排让她忙碌得如同没有时间呼吸,身心都非常疲惫,于是有了到安静的岛屿短暂休息的想法。失业青年正焕(李民基饰)为了给自己转运,摆脱糟糕的生活阴影,也来到同一个岛上,没想到在这里遇到自己的偶像! 丈夫(李文植饰)买入的股票大跌,多年的积蓄转瞬化为乌有,更雪上加霜的是,他竟被告知患上了脑肿瘤,人生剩下的时间有限!绝望的他为了不成为家人的负累,同时也想给家人留下可观的保险金,他想趁着这次和妻子出外旅行的机会在菲律宾自杀。可发觉,事情的走向并不是自己能控制的……  心跳的空间里,有着怎样精彩的浪漫爱神等待着他们?


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