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02Jan2025 - 11:07 48 PM
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DVD Someone Behind You 背后灵 / 恶魔在身边 (Eng Sub) Korean Movie
Code : 6854220430017
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :200 g
Staring :李基宇 , 尹珍熙 , 朴基雄 , 金成俊 ,
Director :吴启焕 ,
Year :2007
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

Since Ga-in (Yoon Jin-seo) witnessed her Auntie Ji-seon got murdered by her youngest Auntie Jeong-sun, er life is thrown into turmoil. Thing started to get worse when Ga-in herself is attacked by a nerdy yet dangerous classmate named Eun-kyung. Worst still, her tutor who is kind to her started to attack her verbally. Furthermore, she is repeatedly being observed by a weirdo called Suk-min (Park Ki-woong). Nightmare start to haunt her continuously and for now she can only believe in her families and her boyfriend Heon-jeong (Lee Ki-woo). However, no matter how cautious she is, no matter how hard she tries, she still unable to free herself from the deadly trap. Who is behind the entire deadly trap? Will he be Heon-jeong who plight to protect her? Or stranger Suk-min or Ga-in's dearest families?

一天,嘉佇(尹珍熙)和青梅竹马的医生男友贤重(李基宇)前来探望生病的大姑姑智善,不料却亲眼目睹了最小的姑姑贞善(徐有情)杀害大姑姑的惨况。嘉佇因此受到了很大的精神冲击。此事件慢慢平息后 ,嘉佇的身上总是会发生一些很莫名其妙的事情。高中时期的一场回忆也慢慢涌上心头:同班同学恩京好像时时想置嘉佇于死地,甚至连原来和蔼的班主任也冷言冷语地攻击她,嘉佇陷入了毫无信任和安全感的困境。更离奇的是,每次出现在现场的男孩宋明(朴基雄)总是用可疑的眼神默默地在旁注视着嘉佇。就像坠入一个连环的迷宫,不管嘉佇怎么小心翼翼,努力挣脱出来,死亡的圈套还是渐渐地“勒紧”了她的脖子。声称誓死守护嘉佇的贤重?陌生而亲切的宋明?熟悉的亲人?想杀死嘉佇的“背后灵”到底会是谁呢?

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