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02Jan2025 - 11:33 31 PM
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DVD Money War Special Round 钱的战争 特别篇 (Eng Sub)
Code : 4759131860019
Price : MYR39.90 SGD18.95 USD15.56 RMB107.73 MYR31.92 / SGD15.16 / USD12.45 / RMB86.18
Weight :250 g
Staring :朴新阳 , 申东旭 , 朴真熙 ,
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,

Kim Kuk-do works as a crafty illegal loan shark for many years. He always manages to collect debts with unexpected methods and thus he gets the trust from President Jin who operates the illegal loan company. Ha Woo-seong is another loan shark who works for President Jin. He has a deep-rooted animus with Kim Kuk-do and intends to take revenge on Kim Kuk-do. President Jin wants to test their abilities and she sends both of them on a tough mission to find her long lost child. However, when Ha Woo-seong brings a boy to meet her, she recognizes that the boy was not her son. Meanwhile, her real child has come to meet her... 故事讲述的是,金国度,一名在地下钱庄打混多年的精明高利贷商人,常以出人意料的方法讨回债款,因而得到地下钱庄,钱的主人-陈金主的垂青。陈金主另外一名高利贷商人,夏宇成对金国度的积怨很深,一心想报复金国度。为了考验两人的实力。陈金主下了一个难题,看谁先在预定的时间内,找到自己失散多年的孩子。预定的期限终于到了,金国度与夏宇成来到陈会长的面前。陈金主认出夏宇成带来的孩子是假冒的,这时,真正的孩子却主动登门造访....

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