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05Feb2025 - 09:51 02 PM
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HKM:Invincible Fighter 天下无敌之威龙天下 DVD
Code : 9555409604980
Price : MYR10.90 SGD5.18 USD4.25 RMB29.43 MYR8.72 / SGD4.14 / USD3.40 / RMB23.54
Weight :100 g
Staring :Jackie Chan , Yuen Siu Tin , 成龙 ,
Director :罗维 ,
Genre :Ancient Period , Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Dragon Jester Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,

The setting is Hong Kong and the hero of the film is Jackie Chan. This documentary chronicles the life and entertainment career of the star of Hong Kong action films. Archival photographs and the personal recollections of family and friends paint a portrait of the private life of the film star. Clips from movies, such as Top Fighter and Rush Hour, as well as the television series Jackie Chan's Adventures show the martial artist's prowess and skill. Interviews with Chanand his colleagues give viewers an inside look at how some of the stunts are set up and carried out, as they put the action in action films. ~ Rose of Sharon Winter, All Movie Guide 醉拳、双节棍、五形拳等……是中国功夫的精髓,随着中国功夫片引进海外市场,中国功夫在世界各地被受重视,更掀起追求、研究中国功夫奥秘的热潮。中国功夫 的最大特点是将动作与人体结构配合,如运用得宜,能超乎人类体能极限,刚柔并重,千变万化,充满神秘感。何谓「十八般武艺」呢?著名的少林功夫有甚么奥秘 呢?少林弟子如何挑战木人巷而下山呢?这些鲜为人知的事,在本片中都可一一找到。本片全选自成龙过往曾演出的电影中的精华片段剪辑而成,并配以旁白,故片 中招式包罗万有,变化莫测,令人目不暇给,更可欣赏到成龙一贯的超凡身手及惊人的体能,创新的招式,动作配合场面的创意,更是独具风格,难怪他能够成为当 今最成功的武打巨星。

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