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05Feb2025 - 01:57 54 PM
Category :


Code : 9555409604607
Price : MYR10.90 SGD5.18 USD4.25 RMB29.43 MYR8.72 / SGD4.14 / USD3.40 / RMB23.54
Weight :100 g
Staring :陈龙 , 冯淬帆 , 黄秀玲 , 林正英 , 倪星 , 曾志伟 , 锺发 , Eric Tsang , Lung Chan , Collin Chou , Dick Wei ,
Director :莊胤建 , Yan Kin Chong ,
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :DSD ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Dragon Jester Entertainment Sdn Bhd , Kedai Buku Topwin ,

Two feuding families brag about their sons on christening day. One, called Long-Life, is destined to die early, while Sing, the other, will do well. Twenty years pass. Long-life has survived, and he fancies pretty Hsio. In a scene stolen from My Life As A Dog, he spies on her in the shower, falls through the roof, kisses her as he lands..... but then her spirit leaves her body. Having died naked, Hsio wanders around sans clothing, and is dubbed the Shy Ghost by other spirits she meets. What follows mainly concerns her family and friend's efforts to lay her spirit to rest. These include taking revenge on Long-Life, getting some clothes to her, stacks of fu fighting, incantations and a duel between a buddhist and a taoist. 富戶葛老爺晚年得子,太過溺愛獨子,使得長壽仔驕從無道,橫行鄉里,並且對美女秀秀情有獨鍾,惜獨秀秀心有別屬,鍾意八叔之子星仔,令長壽仔氣惱不已。葛老爺心中惟一掛慮的是長壽仔滿月之日,曾請一眉道人替他算命� {福,未料一眉道人竟言長壽仔又活不過二十三歲,讓葛老爺又急又慌。一日長壽仔跟損友決一瞧秀秀,屋頂不堪負荷連人帶石一塊落下,嚇得秀秀魂魄俱散,死前一口氣被長壽仔吸取,長壽仔因而避過一劫,秀秀卻成了……

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