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14Mar2025 - 03:07 35 AM
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Mother Vs Mother 南北妈打 DVD
Code : 9555186377206
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :100 g
Staring :张曼玉 , 郑丹瑞 , 张学友 , 沈殿霞 , 董骠 , 黄霑 ,
Director :Tony Leung Siu Hung , 梁家树 ,
Genre :Classic ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Movie Master Distributors Sdn Bhd ,

Two of Hong Kong's finest stars are undoubtedly Maggie Cheung Man-yuk and Jacky Cheung. Their versatility and ability in virtually any genre in unparalleled, so when the two appear in the same film together, it is cause for celebration. Now, combine them with the magnificent veteran actress Teng Pi-yun (who appeared in hundreds of films over her 40 year career) and hilarious comedienne Lydia Shum as dueling future in-laws, and you have a comedy triumph for anyone who appreciates great acting. 老牌性格女星邓碧云在长篇电视剧《季节》演「妈打」一角,深入民心,大受欢迎。她跳上大银幕,与另一喜剧女星沉殿霞合演《南北妈打》,大斗演技,擦出火花。关德兴(董驃)年青时与李消云(邓碧云)相恋,但遭母亲反对,只好和周申玉(沉殿霞)结婚。关的儿子关仁坚(张学友)在电视台工作,认识了文文(张曼玉)和波波(何美婷)。申玉发现儿子追求的女友文文,竟是消云的女儿,令两个妈打情敌又一次碰头,再斗个你死我活。董驃、邓碧云和沉殿霞,旗鼓相当,组成喜剧铁三角,对白生鬼。导演梁家树出身电视剧,笑料密度高。

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