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06Feb2025 - 01:59 13 AM
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HK-M: The Lotus Lamp 宝莲灯DVD
Code : 9555186377718
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :100 g
Staring :林黛 , 李箐 , 郑佩佩 ,
Genre :Classic ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Movie Master Distributors Sdn Bhd ,

Movie Queen - Linda Lin Dai plays both mother and son in this lavish fable about a goddess who falls in love with a mortal scholar (Cheng Pei-pei, in her debut). Over two years in production, it was released on the first anniversary of Linda's tragic suicide. 有年春天,一位姓刘名玺、字彦昌的举子进京赶考,路过华阴。听说西岳庙里的三娘娘慈怀普度,非常灵验,就恭恭敬敬地走进庙来,在雪映宫的香案前,诚诚恐地上了一柱香,叩了三个头。然而不七的是三圣母当时并不在宫中,刘彦连抽三签都是空签。想到十载寒窗,九载熬油,前程未卜,功名无望,不由悲从心生,便肥一腔怨恨信口吟成一首打油诗,题在雪映宫的墙壁上。诗是这样写的:“刘玺提笔怒满腔,怨奶圣母三娘娘,安居神龛心如铁,枉受香火在一方。”题诗罢,刘彦昌拂了拂衣袖上的尘灰,昂首挺胸,扬长而去。

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