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06Feb2025 - 01:53 39 AM
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HK-M: Beyond The Great Wall 王昭君DVD
Code : 8887231054017
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :100 g
Staring :林黛 , 赵雷 , 洪波 , 张翠英 , 李英 ,
Director :李翰祥 ,
Genre :Classic ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Movie Master Distributors Sdn Bhd ,

BEYOND THE GREAT WALL is a retelling of of the famous Chinese story of Wang Zhaojun, a tale told in many different formats, in plays and songs, going back as far as the Han Hou Shu, the official histories of the Han Dynasty written in the 5th Century AD. Linda Lin Dai is Wang Zhaojun, one of the 100 concubines of the apparently quite frisky Han Dynasty Emperor Yuan (Chao Lei, in another of his Emperor roles). The Emperor chooses who he is going to fool around with each night on the basis of the portraits painted by his court painter, Mao Yanshou (Hung Po). The painter, however, forces the women to pay bribes or he paints them ugly and they live their lives withering away without even a glance from the Emperor. Wang Zhaojun refused to bow under to the painter's demands, and so was kept away from the Emperor, where she lived in quiet desperation. 王昭君(wáng zhāo jūn) 公元前52年-公元前19年 与西施、貂蝉、杨玉环并称为中国古代四大美女,其中西施居首,是美的化身和代名词。四大美女享有“闭月羞花之貌,沉鱼落雁之容”。“闭月、羞花、沉鱼、落雁”是一个个精彩故事组成的历史典故。“闭月”,是述说貂蝉拜月的故事。“羞花”,说的是杨贵妃观花时的故事。“沉鱼”,讲的是西施浣沙时的故事。“落雁”,就是昭君出塞的故事。   王昭君,姓王名嫱,南郡秭归(今湖北省兴山县)人。匈奴呼韩邪单于阏氏。她是汉元帝时以“良家子”入选掖庭的。时,呼韩邪来朝,帝敕以五女赐之。王昭君入宫数年,不得见御,积悲怨,乃请掖庭令求行。呼韩邪临辞大会,帝召五女以示之。昭君“丰容靓饰,光明汉宫,顾影徘徊,竦动左右。帝见大惊,意欲留之,而难于失信,遂与匈奴。”(《后汉书》卷八十九《南匈奴传》)

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