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06Feb2025 - 01:50 46 AM
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HK-M: The 36th Chamber of Shaolin 少林三十六房 DVD
Code : 9555186378845
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :100 g
Staring :刘家辉 ,
Genre :Classic ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :3 ,
Model :DVD ,

The ledendary martial arts director wanted to do the impossible: create a kung-fu filled epic about the making of the Shaolin Temple master - a "love story of the spirit," as he called it. The result (a.k.a. Master Killer) was Shaws's number one hit of 1978, the 24th Asian Film Festival's Best Martial Arts Award winner, and is considered a trendsetting, innovative masterpiece throughout the world. Liang's adoptive brother stars as a reluctant rebel who arduously masters one training "chamber' after another.  一个少年在私塾老师的教育下,明白了“国”字的大义。后来他的父亲和亲友都被清朝的鹰犬所杀,于是他投身到少林寺,取名三德,为报仇而刻苦学艺。经过磨练,他成为武艺高强的武僧,便开始游历江湖。民间的疾苦,激发了热血男儿的一腔豪情,他组织起反抗清王朝的队伍。最后,他又回到少林寺,在少林三十五房之后,创立了第三十六房。   此片为刘家班的少林武打经典之作,亦是1978年香港十大卖座电影;而同年更获亚洲影展最佳动作效果奖。刘家良师父执导下,由少林片系列代言人刘家辉当打演出,合演的还有70年代邵氏功夫明星,刘家荣、罗烈、汪禹、徐少强、袁小田及于洋等。刘家良导演坚持李小龙提倡的电影真实搏击风格,再加入传统国术的扎实功夫,鲜明地表现出华南武术文化传统精粹。此片不仅稳固了刘家良的导演地位,更令之成为一众同辈及后辈的武术指导争相仿效的对象。每一个镜头都是真打的,拍了120天,现在我们拍戏,10-20天就要拍完。 附图为电影海报。

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