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02Jan2025 - 11:32 36 PM
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DVD The Fighting 打架 (Eng Sub) Korean Movie
Code : 8912151108318
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :200 g
Staring :金泰熙 , 薛景求 , 徐泰和 , 全秀卿 ,
Director :韩智胜 ,
Year :2007
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Korean ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :Cinema Service ,

Hot-blooded glass artist jia-a and faint-hearted, cleanliness-obsessed entomologist Sang-min have absolutely nothing in common. But opposites attract, and the two tie the knot sfter a string of ultra dramatic break-ups and makes-ups. The two end up splitting, however, when a hug in the glass jar incident demonstrated their irreconcilable differences. But just when they think they've been liberated from the past, repressed emotions and high kicks take full pendulum swing over nothing. Sang-min had split every single item in half, including his cherished clock after their divorce. On a mission to recover the missing pendulum from Jin-a, he inadvertently triggers his hot-tempered ex-wife, who gives him an ultimatum. 暴发倒计时3   凡事都会去争吵的真儿和尚民,他们一直认为正是因为他们的不同所以才被彼此吸引,正是因为他们的不同才会彼此互补。他们克服着彼此的性格差异,在人们的祝福声中向自己的幸福人生出发。   暴发倒计时2   遇到困难,遇到风雨,他们认为只要他们在一起就会幸福,但转瞬间这些想法离他们远去。尚民总是无心的挑战真儿的忍耐度,而面对这样的尚民,真儿也不知不觉变得过格和苛刻。终于有一天,他们承认了要克服彼此的性格差异比登天还难,然后彼此很酷的SAY GOODBYE。   暴发倒计时1   尚民和真儿开始了各自的单身生活,突然有一天尚民似乎想起了一件事,与真儿分手时一气之下把自己珍藏的东西也给了她。于是尚民决定约真儿见一次面。   暴发倒计时0   分手的对他们的影响还没有完全散去的情况下,尚民和真儿又见面了,分手后的第一次见面。   尚民又不是本意的触动了真儿的神经,真儿面对尚民的态度已经快忍无可忍。结果,俩人的忍耐度终于到了他们的极限。   暴发   他们终于放弃了对话,进入了全面的激烈“战斗”中。打架滋生打架,然后打架又激发另一场更可怕的打架……   他们打架的结果到底会怎样呢?   尚民VS真儿   “像你这样的女人第一次见。”VS“像你这样的男人也第一次见。”   “你再这样我就动手了”VS“像你这样的人用说是行不通的!”

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