National Geographic - Naked Science: Surviving Nature Fury 极限生存大挑战DVD
Code : C00260
Price : | MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58 |
Weight : | 100 g |
Director : | Simon Ludgate , |
Genre : | Animal Attack / Natural Disaster , |
Subtitle : | Chinese , |
Language : | English , |
Video Format : | NTSC , |
Discs : | 1 |
Region Code : | ALL , |
Model : | DVD , |
| |
Human beings now travel the globe, to some of the most remote and hostile regions, and in doing so come up against the most deadly weather, violent storms that can rip a person to shreds, floods tha carry them away and drown them and blizzads that can freeze an individual to death.
Naked Science will seek out those incredible individuals who have suvived the worst that Mother Nature can throw at them and ask the question: What is the deadliest weather that a human being can survive? 人类在环岛旅行中,当他们远赴那些偏僻遥远、或者我难以生存的区域时,极可能碰到恶劣的环境甚至致命的自然灾害:暴风雨能撕裂人的身体,龙卷风能把他们带走,洪灾能使他们淹死,而暴风雪又能把他们活活冻死。。。。本篇将带我们去寻找那些能够生存在最恶劣环境的勇士,他们那些极具挑战性的行动会使人们倍感震憾。而我们也不禁要问:人类的生存极限是什么?当天灾达到那种程度时,人类将无法生存?