Doc : Alaska Spirit Of The Wild 阿拉斯加
Code : 9787880050400
Price : | MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58 |
Weight : | 150 g |
Genre : | Travel / Scenery / Geography , |
Subtitle : | Chinese , English , |
Language : | Chinese/ Mandarin , English , |
Video Format : | NTSC , |
Discs : | 1 |
Model : | DVD , |
| |
ALASKA… Here, in this vast and spectacularly beautiful land teeming with abundant wildlife, discover the Spirit of the Wild. Experience it in the explosive calving of glaciers, the celestial fires of the Aurora Borealis. Witness it in the thundering stampede of caribou, the beauty of the polar bear and the stealthful, deadly hunt of the wolf pack. Join this epic adventure into the untamed grandeur of Alaska and embrace the spirit of the great wild north.
Academy Award Nominee for Best Documentary in 1998. 阿拉斯加地幅遼闊, 野生動物種類繁多, 本片將帶您去看看崩裂的冰河, 令人目眩神迷的極光, 體驗馴鹿竄逃時的轟轟巨響, 北極熊的迷人風采, 還有狼群狩獵時的致命快感。 本片曾獲得1998年度最佳的紀錄片大獎, 而且本片圖像高, 清晰度立體感強, 請與我們一起探索這個北方極地的野性之美。