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04Feb2025 - 01:54 16 PM
Category :

Discovery & Documentary

Code : #C00245
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :100 g
Genre :Animal / Dinosour ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , English ,
Discs :1
Model :DVD ,

On the Earth land the biggest animal ¨d¨d elephant survival evolvesuntil now already the exceed 55 million years, their weight may amountto 7 tons half, the shoulder reaches as high as 13□ winks □ theivory length to be possible to reach 10□ gazes the advanced in age □elephant surprising huge build is precisely its biggest characteristicand the property. In this edits in the program, Discovery Channel willlead us as soon as to peep the elephant the unusual physiologicalcharacteristic which will develop for the adaption survival, andthorough exploration elephant's body language and its innermostfeelings world. We surprisedly discovered that, these looked resemblesthe gigantic clumsy big fellow, unexpectedly has the exquisite emotionand the intelligent brains which we is unable to imagine... ...
地球陆地上最大的动物――大象生存演化至今已逾5500万年,它们重量可达7吨半,肩高达13呎,象牙长度可达10呎半,大象令人惊讶的庞大的体型正是其最大的特色与资产。在本辑节目中,Discovery Channel将带领我们一窥大象为适应生存所发展出的奇特的生理特征,并深入探索大象的身体语言及其内心世界。我们将惊奇地发现,这些看似硕大笨拙的大块头,竟拥有我们无法想象的细腻情感与聪慧头脑……

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