Code : #F00567
Price : | MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98 |
Weight : | 100 g |
Genre : | History/ Biography/ Religion , |
Subtitle : | Chinese , |
Language : | English , |
Discs : | 1 |
Model : | DVD , |
| |
In 1385 Prester John constructed the Portugese empire to navigate thebig discovery time dynasty palace - sintra palace. This is explainedby poet Byron for Garden of Eden in the palace, periphery the sceneryis pleasant, the woods everywhere onion , the mountain rangefluctuates blue day after day, the humanities landscape and thenatural scenery knead together in the same place. sintra the palace isking leave, the lively pink and the rocket top layer turret, enableit to have like a paradise -like castle. Park and garden style deeperdeep influence and later generation's landscape design. Because the deep value, this area in 1995 is listed as the worldinheritance by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and CulturalOrganization. 1385年约翰王修建了葡萄牙帝国航海大发现时期的王朝宫殿——佩纳宫。这座被诗人拜伦喻为伊甸园里的宫殿,周围风景宜人,树林阴翳满目葱茏、山峦起伏碧连天,人文景观与自然风光揉合在一起。佩纳宫是国王离宫,轻快的粉红色和火箭般的顶层塔楼,使它有如一座乐园式的城堡。公园与庭园风格更深深影响及后世的景观设计。由于深具文化价值,此地区1995年被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。