Discovery Channel - On Jupiter 宇宙探奇系列 : 探测木星DVD
Code : DOC0257
Price : | MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58 |
Weight : | 150 g |
Genre : | Science / Weapon / Mystery , |
Subtitle : | Chinese , |
Language : | English , |
Video Format : | PAL , |
Discs : | 1 |
Region Code : | ALL , |
Model : | DVD , |
| |
In December 1995, the Galileo space probe, which has spent the last 6 years on its way to Jupiter, entered the planet's atmosphere. From the Hubble space telescope, to the top of the Mauna Kea observatory in Hawaii, astronomers and planetary scientists from around the world share their insights about the largest planet in our solar system. They explain that much of what we know about Jupiter has beenlearned over the past several years, since the fragmented Shoemaker-Levy 9 ( S-L9 ) cornet collided head-on with Jupiter. Galileo will be provide more insight into the effects of the comet collision when it conducts its tests and reveal many more mysteries regarding Jupiter. 木星在太阳系中占有绝对的优势,它带有四颗卫星,及一条绚丽的闪亮行星,它的体积是地球的一千三百倍,能容得下太阳系里任何一颗行星和卫星而仍余有空间。由木星观看地球,地球只是环绕遥远昏暗太阳的虚弱小点而已。
透过伽利略号宇宙飞船的发射,以及利用望远镜进行追踪、观察与分析,Discovery Channel将带领深入了解行星之王――木星。我们将惊奇地发现,这颗由氢气组成、被称为太阳系“吸尘器”的星球,竟然是地球的天然避弹衣……