Ghost Game 鬼营
Code : 8886356017419
In " Ghost Game " , 11 participants are locked up inside a former-prison-turned-memorial for a 24 hours reality TV show .
Following the concept of the game , the contestants have to provoke the wrath of all the vengeful spirits inhabiting suffered and perished years before . The contestant who manages to endure the nerve-rattling atmosphere the longest will walk away with the cash prize of Bt5 million . 11名男女参加「挑战鬼魂之夜」比赛,来到前身是17号集中营,这里曾有10,000名囚犯于一夜之间惨死,参赛者需要在这地方度过3日,冠军独得奖金500万泰铢。比赛期间,参赛者逐一离奇死亡!究竟谁人能坚持到最后一刻?可是参赛者和电视台工作人员都懵然不知,这是真正的死亡游戏,胜出者只有……