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02Feb2025 - 01:58 01 PM
Category :

Discovery & Documentary

Code : w000699
Price : MYR79.90 SGD37.95 USD31.16 RMB215.73 MYR63.92 / SGD30.36 / USD24.93 / RMB172.58
Weight :250 g
Genre :Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :4
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,

China has a long history; the Chinese traditional culture is deep and sophisticated.
  Since the tasting of plants by Shen Nong, Chinese health keeping culture has rooted in the nation; In its development, it absorbed knowledge of science, humanity, based on Chinese philosophy, collected essence of Taoism, Confusion, and Buddhism, after thousands of years, become an effective methods of health-keeping, and has a systematic and scientific theory, is part of traditional Chinese culture, in a way reflecting the feature of Chinese culture, It is unique in the global culture of health keeping.
  Health and connectivity, in times of competition and pressure, is a big concern for all people. This documentary recorded Chinese health keeping culture inaptly and systematically, and explored the Chinese characters in it. With real-time study and photographing, interview of experts and review of historical data, help you to understand the essence of Chinese health keeping culture.


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