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02Jan2025 - 10:35 23 PM
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VCD 1st Love In My Life 兜禅 Korean Movie
Code : 10002
Price : MYR1.99 SGD0.95 USD0.78 RMB5.37 MYR1.59 / SGD0.76 / USD0.62 / RMB4.30
Weight :150 g
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , Malay ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC , PAL ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :VCD ,

Tae-Il originally is a question student, however his intelligence quotient is higher than the average man, but he originally continuously to first love sweetheart Il-Mae) never forgets, he even by any means possible proposes to Il-Mae, actually not fruit... ... The body concurrently teacher's Il-Mae father proposes a condition to Tae-Il U If he can become skillfully is admitted the famous university school, only then may win the beautiful woman to turn over to. Finally, under studying assiduously, Tae-Il has been admitted Seoul University, successfully obtains the disciple of a master attorney's qualifications; This time, Tae-Il because too studies hard, actually has forgotten side Il-Mae, calculated she shows the love on own initiative to him, Tae-Il also remains unmoved, actually can Il-Mae whether otherwise thus leaves in a huff t but Tae-Il finally to guard the first love ヒットドラマ仝Piano々仝ジュリエットの槻々のプロデュ`サ`、オ・ジュノクが返がけた啌鮫及匯恬にして、仝d謎議な泳溺々のチャ・テヒョンと仝社Tの儿癲垢離・ドングン、仝Lover's Concerto々仝ラブスト`リ`Classic々のソン・イェジンが慌處したコメディ。僥丕匯の}好謄ぅ襭┘船・テヒョンは、IQ148の^を隔ちながらv伉並は兜禅の溺の徨・イルメ┘愁・イェジンとY脂することだけ。そんなテイルに、イルメの幻Hでテイルの毅販縮でもあるヨンダル┘・ドングンは、畠忽30嵐繁嶄3000桑參坪の撹をあげたらY脂を覚Zすると冱う。駅棒に茶してソウル寄僥隈僥何に栽鯉したテイルだったが、ヨンダルは書業は望隈Yに栽鯉するまでY脂はおAけだという。匯圭、茶ばかりのテイルを繩朕に、禅曚したいイルメの巓りには方?のライバルが。惚たしてテイルの兜禅は撹祥するのか。

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