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12Mar2025 - 01:38 52 AM
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KOREA MOVIE DVD Hanbando / Piano Man / 韩半岛 by Kim Hee-Jae, Lee Hyo-Cheol (K57)
Code : 9555329220055
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :200 g
Staring :Cho Jae-Hyun , Cha In-Pyo , Ahn Sung-Ki , Moon Sung-Geun / 车仁表 , 文成根 , 赵在铉 , 姜信日 , 安圣基 , 金相仲 ,
Director :Kang Woo-Suk 康佑硕 ,
Year :2006
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Lambaian Filem ,

"Hanbando" is about the desperate search for the real Gukswei, a government stamp that approves important documents. Supposedly, the previous Gukswei used to approve so many documents that benefited the Japanese government for the past few decades was fake. The real one was concealed by one of our past king before he was poisoned by the Japanese. By finding the real Gukswei, the Korean government can regain control over the informal Japanese occupation that is still happening today, only with less violence and more financial debt issues. 南北统一在即,韩半岛内正积极促进警戒线上的铁路开通仪式。但是日本方面却拿出了1907年与当时的大韩帝国签下的条约,阻止铁路的开通仪式。他们威胁韩国政府要把投资在韩国的所有技术和资本都撤出。   这个时候韩国的史学家崔民在博士(赵宰贤饰)提出条约上的国印是假的,他坚信只要把真的国印找出来就能推翻日本方面的证据。相信史学家推断的韩国总统(安圣基饰),立即宣布成立挖掘国印真相委员会,总统把最后的希望都寄托在了崔民在博士身上。   而此时的韩国总理(文成根饰)却认为国印只是1个世纪前灭亡的国家的印章而已,不可以因为国印而乱了阵脚。当务之急是国家的安全和与日本的关系。最后总理决定让国家情报局秘书官李尚铉(车仁表饰)极力阻止挖掘国印之事,如果国印真的被找到李尚铉要负责把它销毁,必要的时候可以除掉崔民在博士。   与日本的危机一触即发,仿佛又要回到100年前的危机……国印到底是否存在?如果存在是否真的要找到国印?……

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