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08Jan2025 - 05:07 01 AM
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Discovery & Documentary

Discovery Channel - Animal Face Off: Wolf VS Cougar 猛兽大对决:狼VS美洲狮DVD
Code : C00265
Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
Weight :150 g
Director :Andrew Waterworth ,
Genre :Animal Attack / Natural Disaster ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,

When nature's strongest and deadliest warriors clash, only the fittest survive. The cougar is a highly specialized hunter with a whopping 85% hit rate when it goes for the kill. Wolves have a hit rate below 10%, but a single pack will catch and eat almost 45 tons of meat each year. High stamina and dogger determination make up for that low success rate. By analyzing wildlife footage, using biomechanical testing and taking advice from our experts we can construct an identikit portrait of each animal, detailed enough to predict the likely outcome of a battle between cougar and wolf. The film footage shows which abilities and techniques we must reconstruct and test in the lab, using biomechanical versions of each animal. We can then use 21st century technology to analyze each creature's strengths and weaknesses, and reveal who is the king of mountains. 在北美荒野上,生存者世界上最顶级的动物杀手-美洲狮和狼。美洲狮拥有高超的狩猎技能,补抓动物的成功率高达85%,而一群狼在一年内能够吃掉惊人的45炖肉。令人好奇的是:一旦这种顶级杀手狭路相逢,谁的胜算最大?谁能粉碎对手成为大赢家?在本集节目中,我们将与全球一流动物学家及测量专家一起,利用最新科技手段,对美洲适合狼的攻击武器、防卫能力及猎食技巧进行综合分析,评判各自的优劣与致命伤,并根据各类测量数据,设计出逼真的决斗场景。。。谁是真正的山地之王?答案即将揭晓!

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