- ANIME DVD DAYS VOL.1-24 END by Yasuda Tsuyoshi
- Code :9555329251769
- Genre : Boy Series Animation , Others ,
- Price :
MYR35.95 SGD17.08 USD14.02 RMB97.07 MYR28.76 / SGD13.66 / USD11.22 / RMB77.65 - Add To Cart
- The series is about two boys named Tsukushi and Jin. Tsukushi is a boy with no special talent or traits while Jin is considered a soccer genius. On one stormy night, Jin meets Tsukushi, and they get dragged into the world of soccer.
- ANIME DVD SHUUMATSU NO IZETTA / Izetta: The Last Witch / 终末的伊泽塔 VOL.1-12 END by Hiroyuki Yoshino
- Code :9555329251264
- Genre : Others ,
- Price :
MYR21.90 SGD10.40 USD8.54 RMB59.13 MYR17.52 / SGD8.32 / USD6.83 / RMB47.30 - Add To Cart
- In 1939, the imperialist nation of Germania launched a sudden invasion of its neighboring countries. This conflagration engulfed all of Europe in one fell swoop, and the era was dragged into the maelstrom of war. Then in 1940, Germania set its sights...
- ANIME DVD TOUKEN RANBU: HANAMARU / 刀剑乱舞:花丸 VOL.1-12 END by Pierre Sugiura
- Code :9555329251349
- Genre : Others ,
- Price :
MYR21.90 SGD10.40 USD8.54 RMB59.13 MYR17.52 / SGD8.32 / USD6.83 / RMB47.30 - Add To Cart
- The year is 2205. The "historical revisionists" have begun attacks on the past in their plot to change history. The Saniwa, who have been charged with protecting history, can imbue life into objects. Strongest among these are the Tōken Danshi. The s...
- ANIME DVD SHAKUNETSU NO TAKKYUU MUSUME / Scorching Ping Pong Girls / 灼热桌球娘 VOL.1-12 END by Hideyuki Kurata
- Code :9555329251387
- Genre : Others ,
- Price :
MYR21.90 SGD10.40 USD8.54 RMB59.13 MYR17.52 / SGD8.32 / USD6.83 / RMB47.30 - Add To Cart
- Ever since their champion was defeated, the world of girls' junior high ping pong has been in turmoil. Koyori is the new smirking transfer student at her junior high and she's ready to shake up girls' ping pong.
- CHINA DRAMA DVD 鹿鼎记 1-50集 by 高大勇、郎雪楓
- Code :V0403
- Genre : Others ,
- Price :
MYR63.50 SGD30.16 USD24.77 RMB171.45 MYR50.80 / SGD24.13 / USD19.81 / RMB137.16 - Add To Cart
- 本剧改编自金庸先生的同名小说《鹿鼎记》,讲述了出身于社会最底层的韦小宝“飞黄腾达”
- CHINA DRAMA DVD SIX DOOR / 六扇门 1-40集完 by 徐小朋、付斌
- Code :V5929
- Genre : Others ,
- Price :
MYR48.70 SGD23.13 USD18.99 RMB131.49 MYR38.96 / SGD18.51 / USD15.19 / RMB105.19 - Add To Cart
- 明朝中叶,老皇帝昏迷不醒,立储之事悬而未决,皇子和齐王觊觎皇位,明争暗斗。此时京城惊现连环杀人案,责成京师六扇门办理案件,六扇门统带申梓木(黄文豪饰)本想和稀泥,却不想他的儿子申力行(林峯饰)不忍真相埋没,并且天赋异禀,以个人之躯拨开重重迷雾,在破案...
- CHINA DRAMA DVD SINGING ALL ALONG / 秀丽江山之长歌行 1-54集完 by 邵思涵、顾雪柔、李雁倩、王小泉
- Code :V4890
- Genre : Others ,
- Price :
MYR63.50 SGD30.16 USD24.77 RMB171.45 MYR50.80 / SGD24.13 / USD19.81 / RMB137.16 - Add To Cart
- 新朝年间,刘秀于长安太学求学之时,结识了邓禹、刘玄、冯异等才俊,以及少年阴丽华。数年后,新莽暴政,天下大乱,刘縯与刘秀等率数千人于舂陵正式起兵反莽。阴丽华亦化名阴戟,追随左右。后刘玄被绿林军立为皇帝,因忌惮刘家兄弟功高,设计诛杀刘縯。刘秀娶阴丽华为妻...
- CHINA DRAMA DVD Ode To Joy / 欢乐颂 1-42集完 by 袁子弹
- Code :V5840
- Genre : Others ,
- Price :
MYR48.70 SGD23.13 USD18.99 RMB131.49 MYR38.96 / SGD18.51 / USD15.19 / RMB105.19 - Add To Cart
- 从外地来上海打拼的樊胜美(蒋欣饰)、关雎尔(乔欣饰)、邱莹莹(杨紫饰)三个女生合租一套房,与高智商海归金领安迪(刘涛饰)、魅力超群的富家女曲筱绡(王子文饰)同住在一个名叫“欢乐颂”的中档小区22楼。五个女人性格迥异,各自携带着来自工作、爱情和...
- CHINA DRAMA DVD LOVE O2O / 微微一笑很倾城 1-32集完 by 顾漫、沈飞弦、文婷、欧阳
- Code :V4896
- Genre : Others ,
- Price :
MYR38.00 SGD18.05 USD14.82 RMB102.60 MYR30.40 / SGD14.44 / USD11.86 / RMB82.08 - Add To Cart
- Code :V5667
- Genre : Others ,
- Price :
MYR63.50 SGD30.16 USD24.77 RMB171.45 MYR50.80 / SGD24.13 / USD19.81 / RMB137.16 - Add To Cart
- 法术高超的刘海(陈浩民饰)因替南诏国祈福而遭奸人所害蒙受不白之冤,逃亡路上与狐女胡秀英(穆婷婷饰)由冤家变爱侣,为搭救南诏国二王子蒙正(陆昱霖饰),刘海等人从南诏国潜伏到萝蔓女国,为对付魔煞,刘海等人只有找到聚魂宝珠,又必须聚齐 “琴,棋,书,画...
- KOREA DRAMA DVD Cheongdamdong Scandal / Cheongdamdong Seucaendeul / 清潭洞丑闻 EPISODE 1-119 END by Kim Ji-Eun
- Code :V1975
- Genre : Others ,
- Price :
MYR63.50 SGD30.16 USD24.77 RMB171.45 MYR50.80 / SGD24.13 / USD19.81 / RMB137.16 - Add To Cart
- Drama series depicts an epic scandal of the upper class that place in Cheongdam District, Seoul. An area which epitomizes the wealthy lifestyle.
- CHINA DRAMA DVD JEALOUSY INCARNATE / Jiltooui Hwashin / 嫉妒的化身 EPISODE 1-26 END by Seo Sook-Hyang
- Code :V7113
- Genre : Others ,
- Price :
MYR42.30 SGD20.09 USD16.50 RMB114.21 MYR33.84 / SGD16.07 / USD13.20 / RMB91.37 - Add To Cart
- Depicts the fierce competition at a broadcasting station and the love between anchor Lee Hwa-Shin and weather caster Pyo Na-Ri.