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11May2024 - 05:49 04 AM
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SP: Initial D Max 2 - Shuto Kousoku Trial 首都高速 2
Code : 9555329227078
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :180 g
Genre :Motoring ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Vscape Enterprise ,

Former Megalopolis Express Freeway record holder Kyosuke has retired from street racing and now belongs to a Keiichi Tsuchiya's racing team. One day while performing mountain time trials, a black Toyota Supra hiding inside a tunnel comes from behind and challenges Yusuke (S13) to a race, but Yusuke is no match for the unknown Black Supra. Kyosuke is still haunted by that devastating crash that occurred on the Expressway a dew years ago, which caused him to leave street racing. One day while releasing his anger in the snowy mountains, he and Tsuchiya witnessed an accident resulting Tsuchiya (R32) racing down the snowy mountains to get help. [首都高速公路]往往是以速度比拼的赛车手决战之地。挑战者孝广,对于最快时速纪录保持者顺一非常崇拜,本着[不以比赛,只求速度]为格言在公路上不断挑战,逐渐地接近记录,逐渐的超越记录。就在此刻宿敌泽木出现于孝广之前,更誓要将他击倒。两雄对决,还看谁胜谁负......

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