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01Apr2025 - 01:59 48 AM
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KOREA DRAMA DVD Queen Seon Duk / Seondeok Yeowang / 善德女王 by Kim Young-Hyun, Park Sang-Yeon (K23)
Code : 6853415002916
Price : MYR119.90 SGD56.95 USD46.76 RMB323.73 MYR95.92 / SGD45.56 / USD37.41 / RMB258.98
Weight :350 g
Staring :Lee Yo-Won , Ko Hyun-Jung , Park Yeh-Jin , Uhm Tae-Woong , Kim Nam-Gil , Yun Yoo-Sun / 李瑶媛 , 高贤贞 , 金南佶 , 严泰雄 , 朴艺珍 , 俞承豪 ,
Director :Park Hong-Kyun , Kim Keun-Hong 金根弘 , 朴弘均 ,
Year :2009
Genre :Ancient Period ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :8
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Perniagaan Seri Anjung ,
Producer :KOREA MBC ,

Deokman (Queen Seondeok’s childhood name) was born a twin but was secretly exiled as a baby by the incumbent King to save dethroning Queen Maya and protect the throne. She came back to Silla to search answers about her identity and was later summoned to join the army as she was mistaken to be a man. Princess Cheonmeong found out about Deokman's identity as her twin sister and tried to protect her from the claws of Lady Mishil who has been obsessing to become Queen of Silla. Mishil devised sinister plans to reveal the existence of twin birth to dethrone the King and in hunt for Deokman, Princess Chonmyeong was killed. But Princess Deokman established her rights as a Princess of Silla and fought battle of wits with Lady Mishil. Later on becoming the first female ruler of the Silla Kingdom.

在后宫美室(高贤贞饰)掌握宫中大权的情势下,真平王和摩耶夫人生下了双胞胎女儿。但对于王室来说,生下双胞胎是大不吉,有着“圣骨男尽”之兆。真平王无奈之下只好派人将次女德曼送走,但美室却派人暗中追杀, 德曼生死关头被花郎传奇人物——文努用计策救出,交给真平王的侍女昭火抚养,昭火将德曼带到中国沙漠地区,在小旅店中抚养长大。德曼公主最大的敌人美室以出众的美貌作为武器得到真兴王的宠爱而掌握了宫中的权力,充满野心的她在真兴王死后拥立年幼的真平王继位,真平王的夫人生下双胞胎女儿后,美实又打算利用真平王双胞胎女儿的性命来威胁他,直接掌握王权,不料文努和昭火救走德曼,破坏了她的计划。手握大权的美室并没有放弃对王位的争夺,密谋让自己的夫君登上王位,于是将德曼的双胞胎姐姐天明公主(朴艺珍饰)视为眼中钉,在美室掌权的情势下,有着过人的智慧和敏捷判断力的天明公主不轻易露出真性情,但总会在关键时刻展现出公主的领袖才能。天明公主虽然和金龙树(朴正哲饰)结婚并生下儿子金春秋(俞承豪饰),但却对曾经救过自己性命的金庾信(严泰雄饰)动了感情。新罗名将金庾信武艺非凡,偶然救了遭美室的亲信暗杀的天明公主之后,在天明公主的安排下与德曼认识,在帮助德曼公主实现统一三国的远大梦想时对德曼产生了好感,成为德曼的忠实支持者,在金庾信的帮助下,德曼公主终于一步步地瓦解了美室的势力,登上新罗第一位女王的宝座。

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