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26Apr2024 - 06:41 50 PM
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VCD Sweet Spy 甜蜜间谍 Korean Drama
Code : 5046
Price : MYR35.00 SGD16.63 USD13.65 RMB94.50 MYR28.00 / SGD13.30 / USD10.92 / RMB75.60
Weight :450 g
Staring :南相美 , 丹尼斯·吴 ,
Director :高东善 ,
Year :2005
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :17
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :VCD ,
Producer :KOREA MBC ,

“What is the moral level of Korea in the 21st century? Is this society one where common sense is still valid? A country where just because of the fact that some officials are elected candidates they think they can get away with bribery and large-scale wiretappings initiated by National Institutions. Who are our people supposed to trust? A weak traffic police Lee/ Soon/ Ae Let’s hope that she will soothe our surging anger.

讲述了家境贫寒的李顺爱,为了维持家中生计,高中毕业后就踏入社会。不久嫁给一名刑警,当顺爱还未充分享受到新婚带给她的幸福时,一场车祸夺去了丈夫的生命…… 顺爱当上巡警后,恪守职责,对工作一丝不苟。平凡的顺爱,以特有的质朴同时吸引了两个男人:警界精英江俊和商界焦点人物韩悠日。优秀的警官姜俊封闭的内心因为顺爱掀起波澜,财富巨子裕一虽然是一个神秘的人物却也难以抗拒顺爱的魅力。是敌是友?两个人同时爱上了顺爱。毫不知情的顺爱此时却受到越来越多的威胁。她被当作组织的间谍受到追杀,有人逼她交出圆珠笔,越来越复杂的事情和个人感情让她应接不暇,“甜蜜的间谍”李顺爱能否杀出重围找到真爱?正义和邪恶时刻考验着男女主人公的爱情。

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