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19Apr2024 - 12:25 52 PM
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VCD Cheers For The Women Vol.1-20 End 女人万岁 Korean Drama
Code : PMP-3002M
Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
Weight :400 g
Staring :蔡琳 , 蔡时那 , 金灿宇 , 苏志燮 , 卞宇民 ,
Year :2000
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Malay , Chinese ,
Language :Korean , Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :16
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :VCD ,
Producer :KOREA SBS ,

The woman was not grows up has given birth to a boy on the marriage, do as good wife? If does not marry, has become "the unmarried race"! Why does the woman resist to walk into the marriage? If you have not married that you certainly to have to look, if you have already married, that cannot miss! 29 year-old women tan-yin many ten thousand, has a commonplace small broken vehicle, but also some old notebook computer, lives in the room which rents, what was miserable including younger sister - - shu-yin is associates eight years boyfriend to marry, but the bride was not she! Is this the life? Between this play grips by the relaxed humorous way description struggle in the love, the marriage and gives birth to a boy, is joyful, the contradictory in turn woman story, but shu-yin is a intelligent capable new times female, the audience may appreciate once more to Cai Lin delightfully fills the sunlight breath the smiling face

妲英和正硕交往已经六年多了,妲英在朋友与家人的双重压力下很想早点结婚, 但正硕却迟迟不肯结婚. 姝英因教授引荐进入一家公司做实习生,遇到从美国来的帅哥酷男俊元, 两人气焰互有消长。正硕和兰姬终于步入结婚礼堂,妲英心有不甘又能奈何。妲英享受单身生活,轻松愉快找工作却处处碰壁、心灰意冷,失望之极,父亲无意间得知妲英已经离职,拿了一笔钱给妲英出国旅行。 妲英重起炉灶进入保险公司上班,序持续紧追妲英,妲英心里倍感温馨。姝英和俊元的感情也进展顺利,而妈妈得知爸爸已经离职,决心离开爸爸。正惠告诉姝英,妲英在酒店上班的事,这件事让姝英内心感到愧疚不已,于是姝英劝妲英离开酒店。正硕因被兰姬冷落,所以打算回到妲英身边。而苦追妲英的序,目击到正硕正在要求妲英回到他身边,使序气得与正硕大打一架,而不知情的妲英,正打算要把去酒店上班的事告诉序。 序跟妲英经历了一场风波,最终和好如初,感情快速进展。爸爸妈妈一趟温泉之旅享受美好时光。序亲口跟妲英求婚,回家之后妲英发现家人已经知道她房子的事,正硕则对妲英的结婚的消息感到惭愧和祝福,并且约见序。正在忙着准备开业的姝英,听到父母要来家里,回家整理俊元的东西,结果还是被父亲发现。而序则安排时间让母亲和妲英相见。序母因妲英的身世平凡,反对他们结婚。妲英明白序的苦恼,因而提出分手。妲英旅行社开幕,姐妹俩满怀希望等待成功。另一方面,兰姬则利用旧情人作出一连串的破坏计谋。妲英的父母得知序跟妲英求婚后,替妲英高兴。可是,妲英母亲约序的母亲见面后才见真相。妲英母亲知道妲英婚事破碎,心如刀割,妲英努力工作借以瘉合伤口。旅行社业务蒸蒸日上,却遭兰姬从中破坏,正硕正式与兰姬分手。姝英和俊元欢喜冤家终于步入结婚礼堂.....

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