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25Apr2024 - 07:04 05 AM
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VCD Greatest Expectation 伟大的遗产 Korean Drama
Code : PMP-3135
Price : MYR85.00 SGD40.38 USD33.15 RMB229.50 MYR68.00 / SGD32.30 / USD26.52 / RMB183.60
Weight :500 g
Staring :金载沅 , 韩智敏 , 李美淑 , 金知勋 ,
Director :金平中 ,
Year :2006
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :17
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :VCD ,
Manufacturer :PMP Entertainment (M) Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :KOREA KBS ,

Two young slackers (Chang-Sik & Mi-Yeong)struggle through their daily lives. Chang-Sik, even though he graduated from a prestigious university as a psychology major, is unemployed and drifts through life with apathy. He still lives with his brother and sister-in-law and is constantly berated by his sister-in-law for being a deadbeat. Chang-Sik spends his days losing money at the horse tracks or takes his nephew for lunch at the local grocery store (for the free samples). Mi-Yeong, unlike her successful sister (who is a host on a home shopping network tv show), idles her time away at the counter of her mother’s video rental shop. She is always told by her mother, that she is not her true daughter but was adopted. One evening these slackers meet near their neighborhood by chance and witness a fatal hit and run accident. Soon afterwards their fortunes seem to finally change when they see a sign offering a reward ($50,000) for anyone that witnessed the hit and run accident. Of course with their luck, things are not quite what they appear and they soon learn that the hit and run was not an accident, but a hit planned by a criminal ring that also is behind the $50,000 reward.

本剧讲述了原本是流氓的姜贤世当上幼儿园教师,继承了幼儿园这个“伟大的遗产”的故事,一针见血的指出最近的幼儿教育忽视人性教育而更重视知识的倾向,希望等够引起大家的思考,真正的教育是什么?我们应该把什么教给孩子们?通过姜贤世这个人物,展示了另一种教育的可能性。金载沅在剧中饰演一个浑浑噩噩过着日子的流氓,后来成了幼儿园老师。他曾出演《美好生活》、《北京,我的爱》和《嫂子19》等片。老是把事情弄糟的幼儿园教师俞未来一角由《复活》中的女主角韩智敏扮演。 未来的前男朋友时莞,野心勃勃,想要夺走幼儿园,插在两人中间。条件出众的时莞由在《黄金苹果》中饰演京九的金知勋扮演。 好久没在电视屏幕上亮相的李美淑扮演幼儿园的园监高雅罗。她和女教师俞未来以及曾是流氓的辅助教师姜贤世齐心协力保护幼儿园。本剧将着重刻画他们一起对付对幼儿园虎视眈眈的会长和想卖掉幼儿园赚到好处的帮派头子的找茬捣乱等内容,为本片增加趣味性。

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