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11May2024 - 10:58 04 AM
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KOREA DRAMA DVD Precious Family / Bumoonim Jeonsangseo / 说不出的爱 by Kim Soo-Hyun (K38)
Code : W000005
Price : MYR99.90 SGD47.45 USD38.96 RMB269.73 MYR79.92 / SGD37.96 / USD31.17 / RMB215.78
Weight :250 g
Staring :Kim Hee-Ae , Heo Jun-Ho , Jang Hyun-Sung , Song Seon-Mi , Lee Dong-Wook金喜爱 , 许俊豪 , 宋善美 , 李栋旭 , 金海淑 , 宋在浩 ,
Director :Jung Eul-Young 郑乙英 ,
Year :2004
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :4
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Producer :KOREA KBS ,

Despite a marked individuality of each of them, the members of the family resemble each other in that they are all good-natured. This drama is a story about a good-natured family whose members endure hardships, love each other, and live a virtuous life... These days, many parents seek divorce and abandon their children carelessly. But here is a woman who manages to maintain her married life with difficulty raising an autistic son alone, whom his own father has given up. "Precious Family" is a woman's story that awakens us to how precious and important the home is and what is the meaning of the married life. The drama focuses specifically on the reality in which the father may choose to take responsibility for his son, but the mother has no choice but to fulfill her duty as a parent.

諏嵏哐牌�, 高中時因富家弟昌修不斷追求, 大學時没畢業, 年紀輕輕就結了婚, 本來是人人羡慕的恩愛夫妻, 但在生下一個自閉癥的兒子之後, 丈夫開始對她冷淡, 婆家也對她不諒解, 開始虐待她, 她還是非常堅强. 當丈夫有了外遇, 還懷了孩子, 她終於決定離婚, 獨自辛苦地養孩子. 離婚後的諏嵅坏妹鎸κЩ榈膲毫�, 許多娘家的難題也相繼而來, 首先是大弟因娶了富家千金, 但本身對名利不感興趣, 喜歡自由而苦惱 二弟則四處奔波, 甚至為了多賺一點錢而做了服務生 小妹在家裏雖像個撒嬌的小女孩, 但在職場上却會耍小聰明, 且對男人也會耍無賴的刁蠻女.....

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