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10May2024 - 04:45 09 PM
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VCD Ballad Of Suh Dong (Seo Dong Yo) vol.1-28 薯童谣 Korean Drama
Code : 9555209001224
Price : MYR119.90 SGD56.95 USD46.76 RMB323.73 MYR95.92 / SGD45.56 / USD37.41 / RMB258.98
Weight :600 g
Staring :赵显宰 , 李宝英 , 柳镇 , 金英浩 ,
Director :李炳勋 ,
Year :2005
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :24
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :VCD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :KOREA SBS ,

Producer Lee Byung-Hun and writer Kim Yeong-hyeon from "Jewel in the Palace (Dae Jang Geum)", last year's major hit drama here and in China, have again teamed up for a new historical drama.

The SBS drama "Sodongyo", translated as "Sodong's Song", has much in common with "Jewel in the Palace". Both deal with similar themes: a success story of a lower class person rising to the top, a love that transcends social position, a secret of birth and a rivalry between main characters.

However, whereas "Jewel" is set in the Choson Kingdom (1392-1910), "Sodongyo" takes place in the Paekche Kingdom (18 B.C. - A.D 660), a first for a TV drama. Aside from the romance between a princess and a commoner, an interesting part of the drama is that it focuses on a fierce technology war almost 1,500 years ago.

The protagonist is Sodong, a commoner who strives to become a top technician. Unaware that he is in fact of royal birth, Sodong later becomes King Mu, the 30th king of Paekche.

The main background of the drama is Taehaksa, Paekche's prestigious institute of science technology. As it possessed and developed the most up-to-date technology at that time, the institute was always in danger of industrial espionage from other countries like the Koguryo Kingdom and the Silla Kingdom.

"The 21st century is an era of information technology. The viewers will be able to see not only the splendidly rich culture of the Paekche Kingdom but also their ancestors' passion for information technology, which is in line with today's trend", said the drama's writer Kim.

The drama also reveals the role of monks as industrial spies at that time, an aspect of monks in the past that is rarely focused 0n.

"Monks were the advance guards of intelligence war at that time. The leaders of the three countries made the best use of the monks' mobility as they were allowed to move freely from country to country on sacred missions", said Kim.

The drama also features a character who was originally from the Silla Kingdom (57 B.C. - A.D 935) but went over to Paekche as a child and smuggled himself into Taehaksa, concentrating on secretly getting out high-quality information over a long time.

Various agricultural technologies considered the most up-to-date at that time also appear in the drama.

In some episodes, to solve the problems of excessive dryness of the land, they released earthworms, and used ondol (hot floor) for the first time to decrease the humidity of homes.

"Sodongyo" is said to be one of Korea's oldest folk songs. According to Samgukyusa (The Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms) from the Silla Kingdom, the song was written by Sodong, a commoner from the Paekche Kingdom. Hearing that Princess Sonhwa, a daughter of King Chinpyong of the Silla Kingdom was beautiful, he writes a song saying that the princess visits Sodong's room every night and spreads the song around. When her father hears the song, he condemns the princess to exile. Sodong picks her up and takes her to Paekche, and they become the royal couple of the country.

公元五百七十八年八月,在舉辦百濟宮中儀式前一天,百濟第廿七代國王威德王迷上了舞女燕嘉郑c她共渡一宵後被侄子夫餘宣在內等反對派貴族們的強烈彈劾,威德王迫不得已只好否認與燕嘉值年P係,並把她趕了出宮。燕嘉衷谕葟澤较律铝送峦醯暮⒆邮硗c他以賣紅薯維持窮困潦倒的生活,誰也想不到這個孩子日後就是名流萬世的武王。薯童在成長中變成了村中中著名的壞孩子,苦心的燕嘉种缓冒阉毟督o宮廷太學士的技術博士木羅須,而她與木羅須有著特殊的關係。木羅須與宮內的實權人物夫餘宣對立,生命受到威� {,只好帶著薯童逃離宮廷到了新羅避難,並在那裏辦了亡命技術工房,工房負責製作各種刀劍及鐵製品及最尖端的陶瓷開發技術等等,一邊在學習的薯童同時在那裡認識了以美貌著稱的善花公主。十年後,薯童和善花公主再次相逢,已經長大的兩人再見後情愫互生,可是,這時,一直愛著善花公主的沙宅己樓卻無論在愛情及事業上成?競爭對手,圍繞著高句麗、百濟、新羅的複雜政治及工藝技術競爭,以及薯童、善花公主及沙宅己樓的愛情糾紛如千頭萬緒般糾結在一起..


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