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11May2024 - 10:40 45 AM
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KOREA DRAMA DVD She Is Nineteen / Hyeolsunimeun Yeolah Heop / 嫂嫂19岁 by Jin Soo-Wan (K49)
Code : W000062
Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
Weight :200 g
Staring :Jung Da-Bin , Yoon Kye-Sang , Kim Jae-Won , Kim Min-Hie / 金载沅 , 郑多彬 , 尹继尚 , 金敏喜 ,
Director :Lee Chang-Han 李昌翰 ,
Year :2004
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Producer :KOREA SBS ,

Yoo Min's father got into a car accident and had amnesia so he forgot to pick her up from the store where they all work at. Yoo Min's grandfather, who is the CEO of a large company, left inheritance for Yoo Min and her mother without any explanations for her father's accident. Yoo Min's mother took the news hard fell into sickness. Another lady that Yoo Min lived with was being chased by debt collectors and out of frustration took the inheritance and caused Yoo Min's mother to have a heart attack and die. That lady and the mother of Su-ji who is the same age as Yoo Min decided to leave Yoo Min somewhere and split the inheritance. Yoo Min, who was only 4 at the time, was left at a train station and became an orphan. 15 years later, Yoo Min meets Seung-Jae, the son of a small corporation and they bicker and fight. They later find out that Seung-Jae is the younger brother of Min-Jae, the love of Yoo Min's life. To fight off Min-jae's mother demand to get married to someone he does not love, he gets in an engagement contract with Yoo Min and they all end up living at Min-Jae's house. Yoo Min and Seung-Jae ends up going to the same high school and develop feelings. At this time, Yoo Min's father is looking for her and he found the mother of Su-ji. When Su-ji found out that Yoo Min was the girl that her mother abandoned 15 years ago, she is willing to do anything to make herself his daughter and keep Yoo Min far away from Seung-Jae and Min-Jae, whose mother is the other lady in crime.

韩食堂Yorumet里聚集了五个在那里生活的女人。她们分别是食堂的老板pak yonran, 和负责厨房工作的林青玉和宋京华。还有同年龄6岁的慧媛 和Suji.Pak Yonran有一个不被夫家祝福的婚姻,和夫家的人断绝来往。宋京华则是一名未婚妈妈。而林青玉则是因为逃避债主隐瞒身份在那里生活的人。在这之前,韩食堂里还有唯一的男人,就是Pak YonRan的丈夫, 慧媛的爸爸俊锡。   在某一个樱花纷飞的季节里, 他突然失去了踪影。那个身为大财团的儿子,违背了父亲意愿和女工结婚, 诞下了慧媛的男人。那一个爱妻子和女儿更甚自己的男人。在某一天因为妈妈的想念要回到离开6年的家途中, 就那样突然不见了, 完全失去了连络。Pak Yonran受不了打击倒下来了。甚至无法相信丈夫失去音讯,无法相信他就那样将他们母女俩弃之不顾。郁敏和强标不是亲兄妹。那是在郁敏在孤儿院的时后, 被在食堂工作的KanPyo的妈妈收养, 把她当亲生女儿般扶养长大。   后来爸爸乘的鱼船, 因为台风而丧命。而再也无法忍受刻苦生活的母亲带着储蓄离家出走。而郁敏,就成了强标唯一的亲人。强标自小就患有肾病。郁敏每个月都必需带着强标回到韩城医院接受治疗。可是每当想到去医院就能看见民哲, 郁敏就会特别开心。而民哲就是郁敏从一年以前就开始对他有好感的医院实习医生。   郁敏就像一名可爱的Stalker周旋于民哲的身边。到后来还装成是民哲就读的大学里的学生,虽然偶尔会良心不安的时后,可是却变成 和民哲不仅在医院, 连在学校也能自然的碰到面。而民哲虽然知道郁敏喜欢自己, 而自己也有一点被打动, 可是却没有像接受其它女生朋友一样的接受她。被郁敏的纯真无邪打动的民哲, 没办法对郁敏敞开胸怀, 却是因为心里那一道还未愈合的伤口......

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