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19May2024 - 09:48 45 AM
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Masked Rider & Ultraman

Masked Rider Hibiki DVD Vol.1-48End + Movie 蒙面超人响鬼 蒙面超人响鬼 DVD Vol.1-48End + Movie Masked Rider Hibiki
Code : DVD-AM
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :300 g
Genre :Masked Rider ,
Subtitle :English , Chinese ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :6
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,

Kamen Rider Hibiki's main focus is the story of the teacher and apprentice-like relationship between Adachi Asumu and the title character. Adachi Asumu is a young boy who is unsure of his own skill and worth and is at a crossroads in his life as he transitions to high school. As the series progresses, he learns what it is to be a man, more confident in his own power. The secondary focus of the series is the age old battle of the Kamen Riders (referred to as Oni in this program) and the Makamou, demons that can only be defeated using "pure sound". The series follows the training and changes of the four main Oni, Hibiki, Ibuki, Todoroki and Zanki.

1. The Echoing Oni (響く鬼, Hibiku Oni?)
2. Howling Spider (咆える蜘蛛, Hoeru Kumo?)
3. Falling Voice (落ちる声, Ochiru Koe?)
4. Running Ichiro (駆ける勢地郎, Kakeru Ichiro?)
5. The Melting Sea (熔ける海, Tokeru Umi?)
6. Beating Soul (叩く魂, Tataku Tamashii?)
7. The Majestic Breath Oni (息吹く鬼, Ibuku Oni?)
8. Shouting Wind (叫ぶ風, Sakebu Kaze?)
9. A Squirming Evil Heart (蠢く邪心, Ugomeku Jashin?)
10. An Oni Who Stands in Line (並び立つ鬼, Narabitatsu Oni?)
11. Swallowing Wall (呑み込む壁, Nomikobu Kabe?)
12. Revealed Secrets (開く秘密, Hiraku Himitsu?)
13. Berserk Fate (乱れる呙�, Midareru Sadame?)
14. Devouring Douji (喰らう童子, Kurau Dōji?)
15. Weakening Thunder (鈍る雷, Niburu Ikazuchi?)
16. The Roaring Oni (轟く鬼, Todoroku Oni?)
17. A Targeted Town (狙われる街, Nerawareru Machi?)
18. Unbroken Hurricane (挫けぬ疾風, Kujikenu Shippū?)
19. Strumming Warrior (かき鳴らす戦士, Kakinarasu Senshi?)
20. Pure Sound (清める音, Kiyomeru Oto?)
21. Gathering Demons (引き合う魔物, Hikiau Mamono?)
22. Becoming a Cacoon (化ける繭, Bakeru Mayu?)
23. The Summer Of Training (鍛える夏, Kitaeru Natsu?)
24. Blazing Crimson (燃える紅, Moeru Kurenai?)
25. Running Azure (走る紺碧, Hashiru Konpeki?)
26. Counting the Days (刻まれる日々, Kizamareru Hibi?)
27. Eternal Bonds (伝える絆, Tsutaeru Kizuna?)
28. Undying Malice (絶えぬ悪意, Taenu Akui?)
29. Shining Boy (輝く少年, Kagayaku Shōnen?)
30. Forging Premonition (鍛える予感, Kitaeru Yokan?)
31. Surpassing Father (超える父, Koeru Chichi?)
32. Bursting Song (弾ける歌, Hajikeru Uta?)
33. The Armed Blade (装甲う刃, Matō Yaiba?)
34. Beloved Beauty (恋する鰹, Koi Suru Katsuo?)
35. Fallen Angel (惑わす天使, Madowasu Tenshi?)
36. Starving Shuki (飢える朱鬼, Ueru Shuki?)
37. Lightning Living Again (甦る雷, Yomigaeru Ikazuchi?)
38. Broken OnGeki (敗れる音撃, Yabureru Ongeki?)
39. Your Beginning (始まる君, Hajimaru Kimi?)
40. Nearing Orochi (迫るオロチ, Semaru Orochi?)
41. The Awakening Teacher and Student (目醒める師弟, Mezameru Shitei?)
42. Ferocious Demons (猛る妖魔, Takeru Yōma?)
43. An Unchangeable Body (変われぬ身, Kawarenu Mi?)
44. Forbidden Secret (秘める禁断, Himeru Kindan?)
45. Dying a Glorious Death, Zanki (散華する斬鬼, Sange Suru Zanki?)
46. Mastering the Oni Way (極める鬼道, Kiwameru Onidō?)
47. The Talking Back (語る背中, Kataru Senaka?)
48. Dreaming of Tomorrow (明日なる夢, Asunaru Yume?)

Region Code: All

Picture Format: NTSC


时间是2005 年(现代)。袭击吞食人们来生长,自古以来就存在的妖怪暗中活动着。在那里,有能变身为鬼的能力的主人公出现了。他是自古以来变成为鬼,暗中与为人所不知的妖怪持续作战的用声音战斗的妖怪猎人。他名为‘幪面超人---响鬼’。有2只角的鬼般的容貌,使用音击武器跟光碟动物和妖怪作战的英雄的故事,现在开始了幪面超人系首度以高画质放送,没有发表主题歌跟歌手。怪人通称"魔化魍"。今次的敌人是鬼,而响鬼是靠听觉追查鬼的行踪,据报引擎声会搔扰响鬼追踪魔化魍. 暂时只公报得2个幪面超人,东映发表早前幪面超人太多,小朋友好难明白主角变身前叫"hibiki",变身后称"响鬼,这次没有发表电单车,很可能只骑乘光碟动物。 [变身音叉音角]---装置于腰带右侧,变身装置,放在额头上可以发出特殊音波来引出响鬼,自身拥有的鬼的能力,还可以用来听取光碟兽收集的情报。 [音击鼓火炎鼓]---腰带正中央 [音击棒烈火]---响鬼的武器,将音击鼓直接贴附在敌人身上,用来敲进净化的声音。 [光碟兽]---装置于腰带左侧,骑士们使用的支援动物,变身音叉发出的特殊音波可以让光碟变为动物形态,有侦察,骑乘的功能。

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