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19Apr2024 - 06:44 48 PM
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DVD Material Queen 拜金女王 Part 1 Episode 1-12 Taiwan Drama (Eng Sub)
Code : 9555209010165
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :300 g
Staring :吴建豪 , 熊黛林 , 陈晓东 , 江语晨 , 张怀秋 , 陈庭妮 , 唐禹哲 ,
Director :陈慧翎 ,
Year :2011
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :4
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Multimedia Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :Taiwan 壹电视 ,

The story is about a girl who was abandoned by her Mom as a child. After growing up, she becomes a model who worships money and dislikes the poor. She is even willing to be kept and supported by a middle-age, rich businessman just for money. When she does a fashion show in Paris, she meets a male music student. They start a fatal relationship after a one-night stand.

外型甜美、身材姣好的模特儿楚曼(熊黛林饰演) ,总是善用她的女人心机,把男人玩弄于股掌间、个个为她掏心掏肺!但在她的标准里「他的时间,绝不会为没钱的人停留!」在纸醉金迷的巴黎,她邂逅了年轻帅气的小提琴手-蔡家豪(吴建豪饰演),还将他误以为是身价上亿的威廉诺曼,因此使出浑身解数来媚惑他,甚至取消了她与一个家产百亿但已年过半百且其貌不扬的暴发户婚约,但当楚曼发现家豪其实只是个在家中卖菜的穷小子..她会如何抉择呢?没有了金钱,拜金女王与穷少年的爱情是否就此会划上句点呢?



外型甜美、身材姣好的模特兒楚曼(熊黛林飾演) ,總是善用她的女人心機,把男人玩弄於股掌間、個個為她掏心掏肺!但在她的標準裡「他的時間,絕不會為沒錢的人停留!」在紙醉金迷的巴黎,她邂逅了年輕帥氣的小提琴手-蔡 家豪(吳建豪飾演),還將他誤以為是身價上億的威廉諾曼,因此使出渾身解數來媚惑他,甚至取消了她與一個家產百億但已年過半百且其貌不揚的暴發戶婚約,但當楚曼發現家豪其 實只是個在家中賣菜的窮小子..她會如何抉擇呢?沒有了金錢,拜金女王與窮少年的愛情是否就此會劃上句點呢?

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