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18Apr2024 - 06:30 18 PM
Category :


Code : W000297
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :300 g
Genre :Others ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Star Music Enterprise ,

Ava Gregory is living the perfect life. She is single, has a nice beachfront home along the Southern California coast, and works as a fashion desinger But that all changes when her sister and brother in law die in an accident. Ava is left with the responsibility to raise her niece Nikki, and two nephews, Bradin and Derrick. Ava gets help from her close friends Johnny, whom she used to date. Johnny takes on the father figure role, but is a man who is unsure of the direction in his own life. Jay is single, and lives to surf. He guides Bradin into his exciting hobby. Susanna is Ava's business partner, and the two have complete trust in each other. Bradin is the oldest child at 16, and has his own angst to deal with. He has a crush on his surfing instructor - the beautiful Erica. Nikki is 12. She sometimes resents Ava filling in as their mother. Derrick is 8. He has the most difficulty adjusting to the fact his parents are no longer alive.


阳光明媚的南加州海岸 一个事业有成立志创立个人品牌 无心婚姻却被迫收养三个孤儿的美女时装设计师 三个在一夜间痛失双亲被阿姨从偏远的堪萨斯农场带来此地的叛逆少年 一个原本人生漫无目的如今一心想为前女友的外甥们树立父亲形像的地产界帅哥 一个来自澳州爱好冲浪又童心未泯的大男生 一个与美女设计师合作无间并给予其无限量支持的合伙人兼挚友 还有加州海岸上形形色色的各路人等,他们将如何在碧海蓝天的阳光海岸谱写种种情缘? 亲情、友情、爱情、靓景、帅哥、美女这些华丽的元素在"海岸情缘"去年6月至8月间第一季首播之时曾牵动着很多人的心, 以至华纳频道在短短半年内趁热推出第二季。 女主角感情的何去何从也再次成为城中的热门话题。

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