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22Feb2025 - 02:11 17 PM
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KOREA DRAMA DVD I AM LEGEND / Naneum Junsul Yida / 我是传说 by Kim Yoon-Jung (K40)
Code : W001514
Price : MYR59.90 SGD28.45 USD23.36 RMB161.73 MYR47.92 / SGD22.76 / USD18.69 / RMB129.38
Weight :300 g
Staring :Kim Jung-Eun , Jang Shin-Young , Hong Ji-Min , Juan , Lee Jun-Hyuk / 金廷恩 , 金承秀 , 李俊赫 , 张申英 , 洪智敏 , 朱妮 ,
Director :Kim Hyeong-Sik 金亨植 ,
Year :2010
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship , Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , Korean ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Serasi Muzik Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :KOREA SBS ,

Back in her high school days Jeon Seol-Hee (Kim Jung-Eun) was the singer for a legendary rock group, but to support her younger sister's education she started to work as a clerk at a top Korean law firm. While working there she met a bright lawyer named Cha Ji-Wook (Kim Seung-Su) and eventually married. Seol-Hee then became the daughter-in-law for an ultra wealthy family, but Seol-Hee soon learns that all that glitters isn't gold. At social functions Seol-Hee's husband instructs her to not speak and just nod in agreement with the others. Her mother-in-law (Cha Hwa-Yeon) is incredibly insensitive to Seol-Hee as a person. What pushes Seol-Hee to the edge is when Seol-Hee's younger sister, who is now a doctor, is hospitalized with cancer and needs a bone marrow transplant from Seol-Hee. Seol-Hee's mother-in-law opposes Seol-Hee doing the medical procedure because it will interfere with Seol-Hee's visits to a fertility clinic. Seol-Hee's husband offers no support whatsoever. A few days later at a family dinner, Seol-Hee announces that she will file for divorce. Seol-Hee, now single again, embarks on a new career as a singer for the "Madonna Band," an all female group consisting of "ahjummas" (older women). Seol-Hee also starts a relationship with Jang Tae-Hyeon (Lee Jun-Hyeok), a guitarist and composer ...


讲述了金正恩饰演的女主人公嫁入韩国最著名的律师家族,却因为无法忍受婆家的虚伪和利己主义而与丈夫离婚,再与前夫上演震惊全国的法庭攻防战的故事。还重拾了高中时让她感到自由和动力的音乐,组织了麦当娜乐队重新出发。   金正恩在剧中饰演的“传说”上高中时期曾是学校的大姐大,但为了照顾妹妹,她到最大的一家律师事务所当起打杂人员,随后勾引被寄予厚望的律师,成为法律界名门的儿媳妇。金正恩在剧中是一个角色里过上两种极端的生活,嫁入豪门时金正恩的打扮十分端庄贤淑,其后则恢复阳光气息并打扮得相当合潮流。

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