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25Apr2024 - 07:39 48 PM
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Hard To Say I Love You 无法坦白... Episode 1 - 11 End
Code : 3361400032211
Price : MYR49.90 SGD23.70 USD19.46 RMB134.73 MYR39.92 / SGD18.96 / USD15.57 / RMB107.78
Weight :250 g
Staring :光野道夫 , 西坂瑞城 ,
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Media Way Trading ,

Nakajima looks up to his father, who was a war photographer, but can only get a job as an assistant for gravure magazines. Mizuno is a provisional high school teacher, currently on probation. Nishimura is Mizuno's best friend, whose boyfriend has been avoiding her since she discovered she was pregnant. Ichihara works at a magazine where he is being blackmailed into sexual favours by his chief editor. Park, on Twitter, takes on the persona of a doctor, when he is actually working at a company that sells medical equipment to disinterested doctors, and at the same time, trying to take care of his younger sister. This is a story about the blossoming friendship of five young people who were brought together by Twitter, and their journey to finding honesty with each other and with themselves.


Nakaji(瑛太)和Haru(上野树里)通过twitter相识了。Nakaji叫作中岛圭介,打算走上曾经是战地摄影师的父亲亮介(吉川晃司)同样的道路。但是,由于刚工作,因此现在只能一边做成人杂志的平面摄影和助理的工作来维持生计了。Haru名为水野月子,是私立高中的临时讲师。喜怒哀乐很强烈,总是逞强的Haru对自己没有自信,对恋爱也十分胆小,直到现在都没有和男性交往的经验。   通过twitter的交流对Nakaji有好感的Haru终于获得了第一次见他的机会。和几个follower一起在涉谷见面。一个人不安的Haru请求了从高中时代开始的好友,在儿童服装店工作的西村光(关美惠)约定一起去。   按约定来到店里的Haru和光,在那里遇见叫朴成洙(在中)的doctor,和名为市原薰(玉山铁二)的linda。doctor从韩国来到进入日本的大学,成为了医生。linda是杂志的编辑。小光对这两个人撒谎说自己是机舱值班员。   不久,Nakaji也来到店里。看到他的脸的Haru很吃惊。原来...

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