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01Apr2025 - 06:24 00 AM
Category :

Japan Anime

Hikaru No Go 棋魂 Vol.1-75 End+Movie
Code : 9528200061566
Price : MYR69.90 SGD33.20 USD27.26 RMB188.73 MYR55.92 / SGD26.56 / USD21.81 / RMB150.98
Weight :300 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Cantonese , Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :3
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :Perniagaan Impian Seni ,

Hikaru Shindo is just a normal 12 year old boy, but one day he's rumaging through his Grandfather's things to see if he can find something to sell and pulls out an old Go board. A ghostly apparation appears out of the board and tells Hikaru his sad story. His name is Sai Fujiwara, a man who was a Go instructor to the emperor of Japan a thousand years ago. However, because of bad sportsmanship of his opponent during a game, Sai was accused of cheating and banished from the city. With no livelihood or any other reason to live, Sai commited suicide by drowning himself. Now, he haunts a Go board, and wants to accomplish the perfect Go game, called the "Hand of God" which he hopes to do through Hikaru. If Hikaru will be able to do it or not (or even wants to) will have to be seen. 小学六年生进藤光在阁楼里发现了一张带有血迹的围棋棋盘,被千年棋魂藤原佐为附身.从此,进藤光在佐为的指导下,学习围棋,和筒井学长和三谷共同组建了学校围棋社,并成为了院生,认识了伊角/和谷/越智等许多和他同龄的高手.与此同时,被进藤光体内的佐为打败的围棋名家的儿子塔矢亮,也为了追赶佐为,进入了职业棋坛.第二年,进藤光也通过努力通过了职业考试.但就在这时,佐为却不明不白的消失了!进藤光一时没了斗志,想要放弃围棋,多亏从中国归来的伊角重新唤起了他的斗志.如今,伊角通过职业考试,成为了一名棋士.小亮终于发现了,在光仔身后有另一个人--sai.小光和小亮成了一对朋友(但经常吵架).日本/中国/韩国要举办一个18岁以下的团体赛,小亮以是参加选手,小光以第一取的参加权.小光/小亮/社三人代表日本参加北斗杯,他们会取胜吗?


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