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26Apr2024 - 09:56 54 PM
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JAPANESE MOVIE Gokusen The Movie / 极道鲜师电影版 by Michiru Egashira, Yuko Matsuda (JM11)
Code : 3362400031815
Price : MYR16.90 SGD8.03 USD6.59 RMB45.63 MYR13.52 / SGD6.42 / USD5.27 / RMB36.50
Weight :200 g
Staring :Yukie Nakama , Kazuya Kamenashi , Katsuhisa Namase , Yuya Takaki ,
Director :Toya Sato ,
Year :2009
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Media Way Trading ,

A passionate teacher, Kumiko Yamaguchi, a.k.a. Yankumi, is now overseeing the new students of Class 3D of Akado High School, who still have not opened up to her and are giving her a hard time. Meanwhile, trouble was also brewing for the former 3D student who just graduated. The police are after Ren for being involved in an illegal drug transaction. Upset Kumiko tries to find him with the other former 3D students. However, they later find out from her grandfather, the head of the Oedo Family, the shocking identity of the mastermind pulling the strings of the drug deal Ren is being accused of…   黑道家庭出身的热血教师山口久美子已经当了七年高中教师。一年前她来到赤铜学园任教,如今刚刚送走了毕业班,又迎来了新升上来的一班学生。新的三年级D班依然问题不断,这些学生桀骜不驯,根本不把她这个班主任放在眼里。   久美子在黑银学园教过的学生小田切龙来赤铜进行教育实习令她又惊又喜。久美子以为龙是受了自己的影响才想当老师的,其实龙只是不知道将来要做什么,就随随便便地参加了大学组织的实习。然而当龙看到小久美的执着和热情时,不由得回忆起了自己的高中时代。   三年级D班的高杉怜太得罪了暴走族,导致暴走族开摩托车闯进学园引起大乱。久美子全力庇护自己的学生,校长猿渡五郎放出话说:“如果你班里的学生再出乱子,就请你自动辞职。”怜太不想欠老师的情,一个人跑去暴走族基地解决事端。   已经毕业的学生风间廉突然因为涉嫌贩毒被警察追捕,如今行踪不明。久美子不顾猿渡的阻止,和绪方大和等毕业生一同四处寻找。在廉的事件背后有着惊人的内幕……


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