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26Apr2024 - 11:14 53 PM
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DVD Jin Da Ban 金大班 Eps.1-36 End China Drama
Code : 4710887030125
Price : MYR118.00 SGD56.05 USD46.02 RMB318.60 MYR94.40 / SGD44.84 / USD36.82 / RMB254.88
Weight :400 g
Staring :范冰冰 , 周渝民 , 黄少祺 , 方中信 , 范文芳 , 黄秋生 ,
Director :鞠觉亮 ,
Year :2009
Genre :Ancient Period , Family / Love / Relationship ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :8
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Producer :两岸三地连续剧 ,

Zhao Li was born to a rich family, her biological parents were doctors - Dr Yu. However, Zhao Li was exchanged during birth to Jin Family. On the day Zhao Li was born, at the same time Jin Family gave birth to a daughter. Jin family has family history of anemia, hence in order not to be burden with another child with anemia, the Jin family exchange their baby girl with Dr Yu's baby secretly. Not knowing their baby was being changed. Dr Yu brought up their girl with anemia. In Suzhou, Zhao Li grew up in the Jin family together with her brother - Zhao Liang. Both of them learned dancing from young/ Zhao Li got to know from her brother her true identity. She decided to look for her biological parent in Shanghai. In Shanghai, Zhao Li found her biological parents, and saw Dr Yu's daughter who is very ill with anemia. Zhao Li saw Dr Yu and family taking very good care of their 'exchanged daughter', Zhao Li decided not to review her actual identity to Dr Yu. ZHao Li stayed in Shanghai and works as a dancer cum GRO in a famous nightclub in Shanghai - Paramount Night Club. In Paramount Night Club, there is another GRO - Ren Tai Tai, who is always envy with Zhao Li and would like to find ways to outshine Zhao Li. 《金大班》改编自著名作家白先勇的小说《金大班的最后一夜》。该剧叙述的是20世纪40年代至60年代,从上海“百乐门”到台北“夜巴黎”的一段风花雪月的故事,讲述了一位风华绝代的舞女大班金兆丽及“百乐门”几大美女的风月传奇和悲情姻缘。   上世纪60年代,台北“夜巴黎”舞厅,年过四十的舞女大班金兆丽即将嫁作商人妇,在此度过最后一夜。世态炎凉,往事历历涌上心头,令她感慨无限。   1948年的上海,她是百乐门舞厅的头牌舞女,红极一时。她曾在上海百乐门中风华绝代,吸引到无数人的热烈追捧。但是她出淤泥而不染,为人豪爽大方,乐善好施。但命运弄人,血液里流着贵族般傲气的她,原本应是出生豪门的金枝玉叶,却与另一个女孩交换了不属于她的命运,豁达坚强的不愿破坏别人的人生,敢爱不畏强权,敢舍勇于牺牲,不认命自己主宰命运,她的哥哥金兆亮时刻爱护着这个与她没有血缘关系的妹妹。因家贫又患有家族遗传性贫血症,其母为了替他治病,偷偷将也患同样病症的亲生女儿,与郁家千金交换,因都是初生婴儿,郁家并未发现,兆亮却因此对无辜被换到金家受苦的妹妹兆丽,心疼又自责,与没血缘的兆丽,兄妹俩之间亲情感人至深,兆亮一生自责拖累妹妹步入风尘,所以自暴自弃,外表冷酷,个性更冲动蛮横,逞凶斗狠,沈沦于黑社会不能自拔而被捕。   她与初恋情人盛月如开启了金兆丽生命中最美好的一段时光,两人不顾世俗的非议,单纯的恋爱,但曾经的爱情却被残酷的现实逼迫,盛月如与她都为了这段感情放弃了很多东西。二人被迫分离,空留两人天涯一方的思念和遗憾。


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